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Messages - icylace

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay / Re: (spoilers) Are those predatory tunicates killable?
« on: December 18, 2007, 03:33:48 am »
Aren't the shrimp that have big recoils when they fire loosely based on real-life pistol shrimp ?

Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: December 15, 2007, 06:09:35 pm »
I was curious if you could grab items while in Spirit form.  Tried it but it doesn't work.  However, I did discover that you still take damage from projectiles while in that form which sucks !

Support / Re: reproducible Spirit form bug !
« on: December 15, 2007, 06:06:28 pm »
No, thank you !

Support / reproducible Spirit form bug !
« on: December 15, 2007, 05:59:22 pm »
When I try riding a sea turtle while in spirit form, the game crashes.

btw, very nice touch bringing up the config screen when restarting Aquaria after a crash.

Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: December 15, 2007, 05:25:11 pm »
I don't know I found nature form rather useful for blocking off enemies and so on. To be honest the form that I found mos pointless was spirit form. It's only use was to get past steam. While I guess it was required that there was another blocking method that needed a boss fight to get so that the game's structure would work out nicely it just would have been nice if it had had some other kind of use. Maybe if it had allowed you to see extra bits of narrative through the actions of spirits in certain areas while in the form (a bit like Scrying in Clive Barker's Undying) or something along those lines it would have felt a tad less tacked on.

Yeah, I'm with you on that one.  Also, it would've been awesome if you could "materialize" inside certain creatures to temporarily possess them and fight as them or act out story plot points with them.

Off-Topic / Re: What are the characters in Assaults End Tag thingy
« on: December 12, 2007, 02:13:53 am »
I really didn't pick the Ur Quan, and I LOVE Star Control 2, one of the best. 

I also love Star Control 2 and when I noticed the Ur-Quan I thought to myself "this guy has good taste."

Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: December 12, 2007, 12:57:20 am »
I just beat the game and got the secret ending and I am so amazed.  Everything from the last boss fight onward was especially epic times 10.  I loved how Mia turned out to be a bad guy and was a little creeped out when she started telling Naija about her ambitions and worldview while holding Naija.  I liked how we got a glimpse of a couple new characters for the promised sequel (I'm assuming the guy on the boat isn't Li).  And "The End" rune writing was a nice touch.

(on a complete tangent, I regard Aquaria's ending as highly as some of my other favorites such as those of Shadow of the Colossus and Zelda: Link's Awakening)

Gameplay / Re: How do I defeat the final boss?
« on: December 11, 2007, 11:00:00 pm »
Thanks !
I got to the chest part before he blew me away.  I think I know what to do now.

Gameplay / Re: How do I defeat the final boss?
« on: December 11, 2007, 10:40:49 pm »
The Jelly Costume will automatically start healing you when you get low on health.  It'll heal you enough to about the point where the screen is no longer flashing.

Gameplay / Re: How do I defeat the final boss?
« on: December 11, 2007, 10:16:01 pm »
I'm on the final boss right now and I'm having the same problem with trying to beat his final form.  What do I do ?

btw, the Jelly Costume is VERY useful here !

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 11, 2007, 08:02:39 pm »
Big Seed:
"I discovered a giant seed in my sanctuary.
When I brought it home and planted it, it sprouted into a colorful garden."

(Exact effect on Naija's cave still unknown)

The effect is that pillowy pinkish plants spawn in the same spot that the Song Plant Spore spawns.

Thanks, Don Andy !
Worked like a charm.

I got all 4 spirits and am at the point where I need to free Li but I'm somehow not getting the song right.  Please, could someone tell me what notes I need to play ?

Gameplay / Re: Aww, that's cute (a bit of spoilers)
« on: December 11, 2007, 08:12:02 am »
When they're hugging each other you can sing to move them around as if you were controlling a seahorse.  If you're curious, the Arnassi Armor has no effect here.

Gameplay / Re: Nature form!
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:28:09 am »

Epic attack technique !
I'm trying it out now.

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