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Messages - Senorctenophore

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General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: February 15, 2011, 03:14:51 am »
Actually, it's too bad Naija doesn't have some sort of slimey coating.  Being able to smother enemies in mucous would make a nifty attack.  Especially if she could secrete it from her skin in massive quantities like a hag fish.

General / Re: Does Naija have scales or flesh?
« on: February 14, 2011, 10:47:55 pm »
I always figured she'd have skin like a stingray-- soft, but sort of sandpapery.  A bit like a wet, muscular mushroom.   If you've ever been to one of those ray touch tanks at an aquarium, you know what I'm talking about.  I also like the idea that she'd have a thin coating of mucous like a fish or a shark.  Mostly to keep parasites off her, but also because I think it would be really, really funny if Li was constantly scrapping off slime due to her persistent affections.  ^-^

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:04:24 am »
D'aaaaaaaw!  ;D
As an artist myself I can understand and appreciate how much love and care Alec puts into his work (and how much care you must have put into making this).  This captures that feeling perfectly.  Awesome work. 
It'd make a pretty cool "coming soon..." advertisment for Marian.

General / Re: Aquaria 2 open source?
« on: January 27, 2011, 05:00:19 am »
Hey, thanks for the boss comments!
  I haven't used a graphics tablet yet, though I'd like to try one eventually.  It would definitely be interesting to try my hand at mod art.  Though someone else would probably have to do the actual game creation.  I'm good enough at computers that I could probably do it myself, but I know it would disappear amid all my other projects.

And no, it is never, ever to late to follow your dreams.... man, that sounds like an after-school special.  But it's true.  Have at it, I say.

General / Re: Aquaria 2 open source?
« on: January 26, 2011, 06:54:20 pm »
As far as ideas for a sequel go, I have thought of a couple ideas (like everyone else I'm sure).
I imagine it would be primarily Lucien's quest to locate his mother.  Li would show up too, possibly as a gadgeteer/advisor who gives you important information about the world, along with mechanical gadgets to help you along.   You'd have to include a major female character too, of course, since one of the biggest strengths of Aquaria is its female hero.  I'd suggest Lucien's girlfriend (let's call her-- I don't know-- Nani, for now).  I't'd be kind of neat to make her the bruiser of the game while Lucien is the more cerebral, gadget-using part of the team.

Mainly though, I like to think about what kind of levels you could put in a new game.  The underwater world was the biggest draw for me-- particularly the Kelp Forest and the Abyss.  But there's many, many more places a new game could go, such as:

MANGROVE FOREST:  Complete with big, arcing aerial roots to climb on.  Creatures would include:  Mimic octopi (that could change into facsimiles of other creatures), Manatees, Puffer fish, Sawfish, Crocodiles and Cownose Rays.  It would have a tide effect that would cause the water level to rise and fall like the pathway to the Sun Temple boss.

TEMPERATE TIDAL SHORE:  Lots of little pools along a rocky coast.  Hazards would include slippery wrackweed, sharp barnacles and dive-bombing seagulls.

HYDROTHERMAL VENTS:  Although Aquaria already has an Abyss level, a sequel could have more specialized deep-ocean settings.  Would feature Yeti Crabs, Tube Worms, Eelpouts and giant, sulfur-belching Mussels

RELIC SEA:  An isolated sea filled with prehistoric (Cambrian-age) animals like Anomalocaris, Opabinia, Wiwaxia, Hurdia Victoria, Bannfia, Odontogriphus, Eldonia, etc.

General / Re: Aquaria 2 open source?
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:59:22 am »
Actually, I do have a couple of works posted in the fanart section.

General / Re: Aquaria 2 open source?
« on: January 25, 2011, 01:58:42 am »
Count me in!  I'd love to see an Aquaria 2 mod.  I'd also love to help out anyone whose serious about going ahead on this.  Maybe not with moding-- it's not really my thing.  But perhaps in terms of art design, story design, dialogue writing-- stuff on the creative end if anyone needs it.
   I rather like Nightmareshadow's suggestion that Mia could be a figment of Naija's imagination.  Who knows the extent of Naija's own powers?  Maybe she created Mia from her own dark desires and need for adventure.  There is the problem that the Creator refers to Mia directly, but I'm sure we could come up with a plausible explanation for that.  Any modders interested in pursuing that idea?

Modding / Re: Magic of Aquaria SPOILERS!!!!!!! new pics July 27
« on: January 15, 2011, 07:56:51 pm »
Wow, this is an awesome looking game.  I haven't paid much attention to the mods, but I'll have to get this one when it's done.  Incidentally, do you guys know yet how you're going to distribute it?  Forgive me if someone else has already asked this question-- I skimmed through most of the posts so I could check out the screenshots but haven't really read over much of the text.

General / Re: Little Details
« on: January 15, 2011, 07:37:57 pm »
Hmmm...a fried grouper sandwich would be interesting.  Perhaps make it a bonus item that does some weird, fun in-game effect like the Mithalan psychedelic mushrooms.  And yes, soup underwater is kind of odd.  I wonder if maybe its actually just a cloud of ingredients that she swims through and absorbs through her mouth or gills.  Kind of like a baleen whale filtering krill.
   Thanks for the kind compliments about my site.  I'm always glad to hear people are visiting it.
  Also-- Wow, 22 tanks?  That's pretty cool!  I'd love to have that many someday!  I'll I've got right now is one tank with a few blackfin tetras and a blind cave fish.  Where on Earth did you keep all of them?

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: January 15, 2011, 12:20:26 am »
Thanks for all the great comments, everyone!   I'm really glad you guys like my work.  I've got a ton of other things I'd like to illustrate (Walkers, The Abyss, Lunarians, Lucien...), so  you'll definitely see more of me soon.  ;D

General / Re: Little Details
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:27:01 am »
Noooooo!  Not the Grouper, you monster!  He's my friend!

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:16:51 am »

When you grab collectibles, they instantly appear in Naija's house because it would be really, really monotonous having to cart everything back and forth.  But I'd imagine in the "real world" of Aquaria, there's probably a lot of this going on. 
  Poor Li.  Naija is such a freaking pack-ratfish. 
  Also, I had to include the Bigmouth fish at some point.  The fact that Alec and Derek actually included a Cymothoa exigua in Aquaria is so wicked boss that my head might explode.

"Om nom nom" goes the baby Walker.

General / Re: Little Details
« on: December 28, 2010, 08:07:38 am »
Really?  No one else wants to talk about their favorite little touches?  Aw man, you guys are breaking my heart!

General / Re: Consider updating the pricing
« on: December 22, 2010, 08:59:02 am »
Honestly, I'm perfectly happy with the $20 I paid for this game by itself.  Heck, I'd be wiling to pay $30-$50 for it  (heck, if the other Humble Indie Bundle games are as good as this, I'd give them at least $60-$70 for the package, if they think that's fair, of course). Derek and Alec invested a huge amount of time and love and I think it's only fair that they be compensated for all their hard work.  I understand the need to stay competitive in the market, but we shouldn't trivialize their work by asking for dirt-cheap prices.
   Sorry if I come off a bit nasty.  I don't mean to be rude.  It's just that I'm a small business owner myself so it kind of pushes my buttons when people ask for things to be cheaper, cheaper cheaper... Sometimes it's worth paying a little extra for quality.

General / Little Details
« on: December 20, 2010, 11:15:36 am »
    As I've mentioned in a couple other places in this forum, some of my favorite parts of Aquaria are all the little touches: Ekkrit and the purple Bevy fish that follow you around; Naija's giggles and cries of delight at the world around her; her Princess fantasy in the Mithalas throne room; the neat little biological details like the Isopod-parasite fish and the Upside-down Jellyfish.   
   We've talked a lot about our favorite big aspects of Aquaria-- favorite songs, favorite moments, thoughts on the Veil and Li, the theme and ending, etc.  But now I'd like to know what everybody's favorite little details are.

As some further examples, here's some more details I really like:

1.) The Dragonfish in the Abyss.  At first they look like pretty fearsome enemies with their scary, dead eyes, big, ol' teeth, and the way they circle around you like they're coming in for the kill.  But if you hold still, they'll just swim around you without actually attacking.  It was at that point I realized that they weren't vicious monsters, they were just curious little fangly-fishies.  Now the Anglerfish on the other hand...

2.)  The Basket Starfish poking out of the rocks in the Abyss (what can I say-- I'm a big marine biology nut)

3. SPOILER WARNING:  The fact that the fourth "puppet form" of the Creator appears to be a possessed/mutated Li (I wonder what the significance of that is-- was it the Creator trying to corrupt the one thing Naija loves?  Or was something more sinister going on...)

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