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Messages - dg10050

Pages: [1]
Games / Re: Diablo 3
« on: July 23, 2008, 12:02:46 am »
It's all a matter of each persons point of view, wouldn't it be a boring world if we all played Uru for instance? Now that kind of world 'would' be my worst nightmare come true  :o
But I love Uru. :(
There would be more smart people in the world if everyone played the Myst games. ;)

General / Re: The Widescreen Thread
« on: March 09, 2008, 03:41:48 pm »
Well, I just stumbled across this thread after being absent from the forum for a while. This is awesome news. This'll definitely be worth a replay of the game.

General / Re: Aquaria Demo - Linux & Wine (good news!)
« on: December 09, 2007, 03:33:34 am »
I'm wondering the same thing about how many activations we get. I personally have 4 Operating systems that I switch between and I'd like to be able to play my registered copy on each one.

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