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Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: April 03, 2010, 10:50:07 pm »
There all fixed only took me all day..

I forced the SDL library to use wgl_swap_buffers instead of GDI.SwapBuffers
Now i was going to look where SDL decides which to use but suddenly it already selects wgl_swap_buffers and the game runs fine.

To sum it all up:

ATI selects wrong openGL driver fixed by:
Start regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\ati2dvag
Change DLL value from "atioglx2.dll" to "atioglxx.dll"

After that SDL (simple directmedia layer) messes up.
This fixed itsself for me so i don't really know what to do with it.

So much work for a demo  :'(

Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: April 03, 2010, 10:19:26 pm »
I found out aquaria was using GDI32.swapbuffers, for those who don't know what that means, it means that your rendering in software mode and not with your video card.

The tool "OpenGL Extensions Viewer 3.0" confirmed this, my opengl driver was version 1.1 generic microsoft driver.
After testing tons of drivers and fixing the "unsigned driver" error message, i still found no opengl driver to be installed.

However the driver was in the system folder, it was called "atioglxx.dll", after that i went to find out how windows selects your opengl driver.
Which lead me to a registery key which was pointing to atioglx2.dll which doesn't exist, so i changed it voila opengl version 3.2

Good news:
I can run other openGL games yah!

Bad news:
Aquaira doesn't care and still won't run using hardware

Back to the drawing board

Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: April 03, 2010, 04:33:50 pm »
I think i found the problem,
Trying to solve it now...

I am sure i found the problem and it's a *itch to solve

Support / Re: Major issues/unplayable
« on: April 03, 2010, 03:25:26 pm »
Same here.

ATI card
Running catalyst 10.3

Gonna mess around, see what i find.

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