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Messages - sirsteveman

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Stuck on boss (Sunken Temple)
« on: December 11, 2007, 04:51:07 am »
Doh... thanks.  So obvious  :-\

Gameplay / Stuck on boss (Sunken Temple)
« on: December 11, 2007, 04:46:39 am »
I'm not sure how to go about putting this big green guy in the slammer.  Any tips?  I feel like I've tried everything, but apparently I haven't, considering I haven't even damaged him yet  :P

I feel like it should have something to do with eating the things he spits out in beast form, but the shots still don't damage him...

Gameplay / Re: Ice Area (I need help) (SPOILERS)
« on: December 10, 2007, 02:43:46 pm »
Before you launch a thorn at him, bind one of his orbs to follow you.  Then, quickly (before it explodes) knock him down, and let it explode on his face.  Blammo!

By the way, did you guys have a hell of a time getting through those damned bubbles to get there?

Gameplay / Re: octopus boss help
« on: December 10, 2007, 12:53:04 pm »
Hint: You need to get close to his face for him to be vulnerable.

In-depth solution: Probably not the only way to beat him, but I would attach myself to the wall directly above his head (his orbs couldn't hit me there), and cast the charged light.   If there's a mini squid thing I'd rail on him quickly, then jump directly down in front of his face and get out quickly, all the while shooting.  His tongue sticks out, and my bullets hit him.  Takes quite a while as only a few hits in each time, but eventually it got there.

Support / Re: Inescapable?
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:54:24 am »
So yeah, I just did it again and you're right, you can jump through stuff you're binding.   :-[

Support / Inescapable?
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:27:36 am »
Earlier today, I defeated a particularly hard boss and felt pretty good [optional boss in abyss.]  Afterwards I went back towards the beginning of the game and searched for stuff I hadn't gotten, and obtained the.. err.. well I've forgotten the name of the item.  It's the warrior costume, presumably the first one you get.

Anyway, when I left this small place, I found that the rock which I had to move to enter the place had either a) moved back into its position, b) I accidentally moved it back into its position with bind.  I don't recall which, but unless I'm a complete moron, at this point I couldn't get out and had to close the game.

It's possible I'm a complete moron, it's happened plenty of times before, eh?  Just thought I'd let my ramblings be heard before I went back in to kill that abyss boss.

Gameplay / Re: So... the Abyss (spoiler)
« on: December 09, 2007, 10:34:40 am »
Yup.. there's a particular gear that isn't spinning (when it's idle) that you can rotate by spinning Naija in a circle by it.  This changes water level.  So, obviously there's a puzzle to solve with the water level...  which took me a while to figure out actually.

Gameplay / Re: So... the Abyss (spoiler)
« on: December 09, 2007, 08:54:18 am »
Almost precisely between the gold jewel (your home) and a pink jewel (the city of Mathalas entrance I believe) is where the rushing current that you need to go through is.  You should be swimming along a long path upwards to reach the Veil from here.

Other than that, it's difficult to explain.  It's on the area about halfway between the home and city of mathalas, so just keep looking around.

(If you'd already found the Veil, sorry, it sounded as if you hadn't)

Gameplay / Re: Order of Exploration * Possible Spoilers Kay?*
« on: December 09, 2007, 08:38:47 am »
I've had similar doubts to myself, but most of the time if I stick with it I'll get through.  Some of the areas I'll get stuck on for a while, and I'm not sure if I should even be there yet, and it's hard to tell.  As for the cathedral.. I think you should continue through.  I don't think there's any particular equipment you need to pass it that you don't have.  Same goes for Nautilus Prime.  The bosses can be pretty challenging to figure out how to beat them, but so far if I've gotten to a boss I've had the proper spells to defeat them. 

But considering how non-linear the game seems to be, it could be possible to reach a boss with improper 'equipment', maybe I've just been lucky?

General / Re: Demo end?
« on: December 08, 2007, 09:32:06 am »
Spoilers about Sea Lion BossAs to the questions of receiving extra power after defeating the sea lion boss, I don't think you do.  When Naija says it's "simmering within her", I believe she's referring to the destructive powers which she's already gained.  She just realizes after the flashback that they're the same powers used for destruction in the past.

Gameplay / Re: first impressions
« on: December 08, 2007, 08:58:50 am »
I've finally managed to take a short break to post my thoughts so far [a few hours of play.]

This is probably the best game I've ever played.  I haven't felt this way about a game since the era of Super Nintendo.  I hope you two get rich off this, if you don't, it's a sad world.  Thanks Derek, Alec, Jenna, and everyone else who had a part in this, this is just fantastic.

Well I'm heading back in!

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