Hiya everyone! I took Atreus' advice and decided to post something as opposed to just loitering!
Glad people are getting their soundtracks in time for xmas

I just wanted to say how much I loved working on the game and on the vocal tracks. Alec and I kinda bounced ideas of each other and it was amazing to see how Fear the Dark evolved from a simple one track melody to what it became. I did help write a couple of bits but I would find composing a whole track way too overwhelming! I think it is because there are too many possible combinations and permutations what with the notes, the intruments, pitch, tempo, volume... just the slightest change to any of those things can make a huge difference to the final track.
It is amazing that Aquaria has so many dedicated fans and I know Derek/Alec (or Darlek as I like to call em) and I have really appreciated the feedback and support from everyone.
That is the great thing about indie games I guess. You are more in touch with the people actually playing the game and I know Alec has genuinely taken on board peoples' suggestions and ideas so in a way it has become like a worldwide community project!!
I have always loved games but I didn't know much about the indie gaming scene until Aquaria and IGF. I never would have thought it possible that two guys from different countries could have created something like this in their bedrooms without a big developer and loads of money behind them! It just goes to show that 'going back to basics' can be a good thing and flashy 3d graphics and teams of animators and programmers won't enhance a game unless you get all the other elements of gameplay right. Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and to me that is what made Aquaria stand out. It was a good allrounder! And aside from the unique look and feel and attention to detail it also has a kind of nostalgic feel and a "personal touch" that is perhaps missing from the mainstream games. You could tell the people working on it (not just Darlek but everyone else who helped with testing etc.) were doing it because they love games and were passionate about what they do. To invest all that time, creativity and effort into something you aren't getting paid for is pretty inspiring and I admire both of the guys for staying motivated because I am sure a lot of people would have given up or lost confidence.
I remember having a few conversations with Alec where I was a bit concerned about him burning out because he was tired and probably not sleeping or eating right because EVERYTHING REVOLVED AROUND THE GAMEEEEE. At times he lost the ability to be impartial about his work because when you do something creative and put your heart and soul into it it becomes difficult to step back and gauge whether it is actually any good or not! Believe me, when we were sitting at our table at IGF none of us thought liek OMG Aquaria is so gonna win cos its the best game eveeerr. In fact as I watched all the other awards going to other games (especially excellence in audio which I thought Aquaria would get) I was like... aww &%$£ we are going home with nothing. I know people alway say how surprised they are when they win stuff but we genuinly were not expecting it because there were some good games that year.
Well I have rambled for long enough

so thank you once again for your continued support and lovely comments.
Love Jenna