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Messages - mattlohkamp

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Can't get back through darkness -
« on: October 02, 2010, 09:02:55 am »
totally agree - middle is the 'right' slot, and if they're even, I always pick the last. one of my few concessions to very very slight ocd. :]

Gameplay / Re: Can't get back through darkness -
« on: October 02, 2010, 07:22:06 am »
(And then for games that let me pick a slot to save in, I go crazy picking the "right" slot. >.>)

ooh ooh, how do you pick which one is the 'right' one?

Gameplay / Re: Can't get back through darkness -
« on: September 30, 2010, 04:01:37 am »
thanks for hooking me up, achurch - I'll start doing multiple saved games. And thanks everybody else.

Gameplay / Re: Can't get back through darkness -
« on: September 30, 2010, 03:34:31 am »
I realize it was only an hour or two into the game, but still, feels bad. I sent achurch my save file, hopefully he'll fix me up.

As far as I can tell, the room (with glowy centipedes, and a save crystal, and glowy crabs outside) is a dead end - and there were plenty of spikes and scary crabs I had to avoid / shoot down on the way in, so trying to go back is completely unreliable - I just start taking damage without being able to see what's causing it, and I can twirl the mouse around all I want, there's no visual feedback to give any indication of my surroundings. I even tried swapping to energy mode and constantly shooting, as a really bad attempt at sonar, listening to how long it took the shots to hit a wall, but that wasn't any help either.

And let's be honest, the only reason to use multiple save files (or even save points at all) is that there's no good autosave - perhaps the real question is why it doesn't just autosave every time you hit a new zone, or gain a new ability, or whatever. Nothing against Aquaria, it's a fantastic game, but I'm just sayin' - I shouldn't have to make multiple saves just in case I figure out something that the game doesn't expect me to do.  ::)

Gameplay / Re: Can't get back through darkness -
« on: September 29, 2010, 11:19:18 am »
actually, there isn't any chance I could do some saved game editing or something to jump back to my house or something, is there?

Gameplay / Re: Can't get back through darkness -
« on: September 29, 2010, 10:49:37 am »
oh wow. I don't know if I can face starting the game over completely. this sucks.

Gameplay / Can't get back through darkness -
« on: September 29, 2010, 08:36:50 am »
So I just got out of the starting area, and I found the abyss for the first time - she mentions something about needing a light source before I can go in there. Soon, I find a couple of glowing fish that follow me when I sing - so I make my way into the dark. I lose one to a big jelly thing, but the other one makes it through with me all the way down to the glowing plant seed treasure, and finally to the save point in the glowing centipede room. However, the fish dies on the way back - and when I reload my save, the fish isn't there. Further, I can't seem to pull the centipedes out of the cavern to light my way back - I give up, how am I supposed to find my way back through the darkness?

edit - oh crap, am I screwed? reading through the other posts a bit, I gather you get some sort of ability to light up the dark areas - did I just find a glitch that lets you skip that, but without any way of getting back?

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