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Messages - oath5

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Gameplay / Re: The ending, final boss, etc. [Obviously spoilers]
« on: January 10, 2008, 12:32:02 am »
I had a feeling the opening had something to do with the ending. I had wondered how she would end up like that, and well, defying your mother from joining forces and taking over the above ground is 100% qualification for petrification. 

As for the backstory, I am torn between whether or not Naija was actually raised by Mia.  If you think about it, The Creator loved Mia a lot,  so she probably was to stay with him down in " The Body" or wherever his spirit actually lay (since he also had a spirit in the Sunken city, correct? Or was that another ghost boy?)  If you think about the different age stages of Naija in her memories (baby in Abyss, young in Mithalas, preteen(?) in the Veil) shows that Mia probably left The Creator shortly before or after she created Naija, hence the cradle in The Abyss.  So that might have been Mia after all, but she either must have become crooked in her powers and changed over time, or, Naija was planted in Mithilian society (it's obvious she lived there.)

The boy on the airship is most definitely her son. I swore I heard someone say "Mom or mother" after he took his hand off the crystal but that could be me just making stuff up and hearing things. Whatever the case, he looks a great deal like Li,  except with green skin and apparently amphibious lungs so he's most certainly their "hybrid"  son. The sleeping girl, at first I obviously thought that could be his sister, since she too had dark hair like Li, but her clothes looked Mithalian. then I remembered there was mention of a Mithalian princess, so I thought that might be some sort of lost member of the royal family that escaped the slaughter that had occurred and she has been alone all this time, somewhat like Najia. Just a thought, a far fetched one at the very least but it's still a theory. I might have to beat the game again to see that, where she was sleeping exactly.

What is considered the "good" ending, did I see that?  I'm pretty sure I got all the memories since she didn't tell me to look harder aka you rushed. I thought I saw a wedding screenshot somewhere, but there was nothing of that sort in the ending, was that a mod?

I immediately saw the eagles on Li's camp as pertaining to a city or government. I think he was there again under orders to look for something, or was just studying.  If I can remember correctly, did he have glasses when he was a child? I thought of him more as a scientist than a person from a government, not many people from government go scuba diving. Seemed he was doing research.

I'm a  bit confused about the little ghost boy, was that Eric? Or a representation of him?

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: January 02, 2008, 12:29:14 am »
Can anybody help me find the Sun Key, I'm having the hardest time finding it. I'm in the room with the first moving gears, or at least I think I'm following the directions but I'm finding NOTHING.

Seems silly really.

Gameplay / The Body before Frozen Veil?
« on: December 28, 2007, 09:04:41 am »
I never made it to the ice cave yet, I got there, I just decided to turn around and leave since there was other stuff to do- now however I've gotten Li stuck in the parasitic sac bubble and I'm wondering is there an opportunity to leave The Body after saving Li before heading to the last boss or something?

I hate posting petty little threads like this, but I was just wondering if there is an option or has my path become moderately linear from now on?

Gameplay / Re: *spoilers* I've lost **!
« on: December 21, 2007, 12:10:41 am »
Really? Is that there is to it? I'm going to check that out as soon I get back to Home Waters.

Gameplay / *spoilers* I've lost **!
« on: December 20, 2007, 05:33:45 pm »
It's actually kind of funny- he was with me just a second ago and now I can't find him anywhere. Everywhere I go I'm alone. I even go to other places and he doesn't pop up.  I try using his song but he won't pop up. Is this a glitch or did I accidentally do something? I remember reading somewhere there's a way to make him stay where he is or something? Maybe I did that without knowing.....

Gameplay / How to kill Sun Temple Worm?
« on: December 17, 2007, 01:29:49 am »
I'm getting increasingly frustrated with that water sucking worm. I think I need to stock up on healing items, that spike maze is killer.

Any suggestions besides power shot power-ups?

Gameplay / Re: Where to after Mithalas?
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:48:01 pm »
Really, a diver? Where might I find him?

Gameplay / Re: Spirit Form?
« on: December 12, 2007, 04:38:38 am »
I forget where the hell I found that ceremonial dress, so I'm having a hard time finding it too.

Gameplay / Where to after Mithalas?
« on: December 12, 2007, 03:58:26 am »
Mithala said something about light, should I be going to the sun temple in the veil? I've explored that area, found a cave with a tent- but no people. Am I supposed to find someone or something?

Geez, I'm asking so many questions. A good thing though is that I've found a lot of things for my cave. They should have more effect on the cave, it's not as "full" as I thought it would look....

Gameplay / Re: Nature form!
« on: December 11, 2007, 10:49:24 pm »
Lol, I did that too. I finally beat him. Now where are we supposed to go? I'm currently swimming around the veil.

Gameplay / Re: Ixis' Treasure Hunter's FAQ
« on: December 11, 2007, 10:33:42 pm »
How many ancient turtles are there in the kelp forest, I've been all around the one I've found and I haven't found a walker baby yet.....

Gameplay / Re: Nature form!
« on: December 11, 2007, 04:32:57 pm »
Wow, I guess I'll have to try it out then.

Gameplay / Re: Nature form!
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:52:59 am »
How does one make an energy + attack food again?

Gameplay / Re: *SPOILERS* Giant Jellyfish Help Please.
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:26:01 am »
You can eat the little jellyfish in beast form. That helps make him from the hardest sideboss in the game into a joke. :o

Huh, these things respawn before I can even change back from Beast to Energy.

As the readme that came with it says, you can use your keyboard number keys to quick change to different forms, bypassing singing the songs over and over again. :p

Ugh, I might have deleted that readme. Is there really a shortcut?

Gameplay / Re: Nature form!
« on: December 11, 2007, 06:23:20 am »
And what might that be RvLeshrac?  ^^

I guess I need to try out nature form somewhere tame, like in Home Waters or something, to get used to it.

Karn, I'd love some help.

The thing is I just keep dying, often when I try to get close while it's drawing in and I miss it and get stuck somewhat behind it, reducing my health. I do need to stock up on healing objects, that's probably the key- because I've gotten up to feeding him three poisoned frogmen before he goes ballistic and shoots the stream of energy balls. What should I do when it does that?

 I should do better next time I face him, I have more health now than I had before due to a powerup in the kelp forest, but it still is a bit aggravating. Is there any pointers to switch between regular with shield form to reflect his blasts and then energy form to him in the back . What about places to hide without getting scooped up?

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