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Messages - BMcC

Pages: [1] 2 3
General / Re: What about the six form of the final boss?
« on: March 25, 2010, 08:58:55 pm »
The boss is already available in the entities list, with the script and all, but it is not functional. I used the screen-shot provided by BMcC to set the nodes (have been very helpful), had to modify the script a bit (basically uncomment things), and it worked very nicely, wonder why they did not include it in Aquaria.
It will be included in the mod we are currently developing, Magic of Aquaria :)
WHOA, that's awesome of you!  How totally unexpected.  :D

It's great to see, even years later, that my work didn't go to waste!  So, so cool.

But PLEASE don't tell me what the script looked like...  *shivers*

General / Re: What about the six form of the final boss?
« on: July 25, 2009, 08:30:00 pm »
No probs, yo. 8)

General / Re: What about the six form of the final boss?
« on: June 05, 2009, 07:47:38 am »
Greetings!  As some may know, I had the distinct honor of being "the third guy" through a period of Aquaria's development.  And inside this period was another period where we were all physically working together in LA.  Ah, the memories... Classic times!

This gives me a chance again to thank Alec and Derek for playing such a big role in getting me back into game development.  (THANKS, GUYS!  I'll love you forever.)  :-*

Anyway, this "wurm" is indeed a lost form of the final boss!  It was going to be the third form, if I remember correctly.  I was working on it personally.  But getting the movement right was tricky for a number of reasons (not least of which being my own incompetence), so it wasn't quite done by the time we all returned to our respective homes.  Some time after that I had a pretty nice mental collapse (don't worry, I'm fine now) and, long story short, the Wurm Form got cut from the final game.

But hey, look what I found on an old memory key -- maybe the only Aquaria development screen I took:

Ignore all the crazy dev stuff.  :P

As you can see, the wurm would swim around the area, curving and twisting about, doing little loops and stuff, all the while its nasty faces shooting at poor Naija.  There was going to be other stuff too, but now my memory's getting fuzzy.  (I think you had to hurt each face separately?)  Oh, and you could ride on its back, which was pretty cool.  I think (Alec may correct me on this) Naija being able to grab onto objects was originally added for this boss.  If there's ever a Directors Cut of Aquaria, I'd love to give him another go.  It'd probably take me like a day now, oy. :'(

While I'm here, if anyone's interested (ha!), here's my work setup at AQ HQ (it's pretty hardcore):

It was a man sandwich, Derek on my left, Alec on my right.

Also we played M. Dickie's classic Hard Time a bit:

Figure out how you feel about that.

Okay, starting to get misty, I should go. 8)

Games / Re: Fallout 3?
« on: December 12, 2008, 10:57:31 am »
Alec blew up Megaton.  8)

Games / Re: douchespam.net 50% off Free Shipping
« on: December 12, 2008, 10:46:47 am »
Weird, this was the first time I'd received a spam notification from Bit Blot -- was it the first case?

General / Re: ???????????ORZ
« on: December 11, 2007, 01:49:34 am »
Haha, awesome.  8)

Gameplay / Re: Finally! A review from someone who's beaten the game.
« on: December 09, 2007, 08:47:41 pm »
Very nice.

You might be the first outsider to finish the game!  Congrats.   :D

Sev3rity:  16 in-game hours.  Which tend to be longer than real-world hours.  ;)

General / Re: What about WiiWare?
« on: December 03, 2007, 02:22:04 am »
SD cards, maybe.

General / Re: Aquaria's Popularity
« on: December 03, 2007, 01:58:00 am »
Well, I'm pretty sure Awesome is hereditary.

Aw, that was nice of you, Al.  :)

General / Re: Aquaria's Popularity
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:23:23 pm »
Heck yes, my friends!  My dad told me he joined last night over Thanksgiving dinner.  ^-^

This place is about to get BUMPIN'.

QUESTION FOR YOU: Are you testing me or something?

Yeah, pretty much.  :P

Sorry, I was feeling sarcastic that day.  :)

General / Re: development status
« on: May 24, 2007, 05:16:17 pm »
Your room has 3 computers in it? Lucky you.

Four, actually.

Check under the Tastykakes...

Haha, I love you, Toom.  ;D

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 18, 2007, 01:49:03 am »

How did you find me?!  8)

[...] So, I have mastered all aspects of recording/mixing/dubbing and mastering. [...]

Oh hey, !nfecti0n_dr()n3, I'm really glad you're here.  I've got some mixing questions -- it'd be cool if you could help me out.

See, I'm trying to carve EQ for this vocal track, but now the guitars sound dull (and everything else generally muddy).  What frequencies should I be boosting/cutting for which instruments, again?  I always forget.  Oh, and should I de-ess the vocals?  Furthermore, what kind of attack should I be using for the vocal compression?

Should I be mixing with headphones or something else?

And recording...  do you prefer solid state or vacuum tubes, and why?  What pattern should I use for recording a tambourine with a condenser?  Cardioid?  Omni?  Super-cardioid?  Should I be using a condenser at all?  Where should I put bass traps?

Ah!  And you're a mastering engineer, too -- great!  I was wondering... should I apply global compression to the tracks before sending them to be mastered?  And what about the levels?  They should be as high as possible, right?

Thanks in advance.  :)

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