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Messages - Chief

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Workaround for scaling issues on some monitors!
« on: December 09, 2007, 10:55:10 pm »
You are a star. Now we know it works playing them on other resoloutions please add this to the tick boxes for resolution. I was getting pretty vicious headaches running it at 1280 x 960 but at 1280 x 1024 I have no problem at all and no funny issues with the way the game looks.

General / Will this run on an Asus EEE
« on: December 09, 2007, 05:28:29 pm »
Is it possibly to play this on a Linux distribution (Most likely Ubuntu) on the EEE. Here are the specs for the one I'm getting

 Processor: Intel mobile CPU (Intel 910 chipset, 900MHz Dothan Pentium M)
 Memory: 1gb RAM
Integrated Intel UMA graphics care

Im assuming not but it would make my year if it did.

General / Resoloutions
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:48:03 am »
Why is there no support for 1280 x 1024? Theres support for 1280 x 960 but I thought for a 17" monitor x 1024 is the standard

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