Support / Re: Naija Frozen In Place
« on: September 10, 2010, 09:59:44 pm »
I just started playing today this awesome game and I have the very same problem, in some areas Naija stays quiet in a point unable to move neither with WASD or with the mouse and only when you use speed boost she starts moving and reacts but as soon as you stop the character freezes again, you need to keep moving or you are stuck.
This must be a bug, searching the forum I found this other thread where somebody had the same problem and I think there is a common cause: Windows 7 64 bits
Im running this game in a Win 7 64 Bits machine with Core i5 760 processor, 4GB Ram and ATI GPU, I bet OP also uses Windows 7 64 bits.
The thread I pointed seems to be from May and related to Aquaria v1.1.1 so the chances to have a solution for this bug seems to be small.
This must be a bug, searching the forum I found this other thread where somebody had the same problem and I think there is a common cause: Windows 7 64 bits
Im running this game in a Win 7 64 Bits machine with Core i5 760 processor, 4GB Ram and ATI GPU, I bet OP also uses Windows 7 64 bits.
The thread I pointed seems to be from May and related to Aquaria v1.1.1 so the chances to have a solution for this bug seems to be small.