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Messages - bovi

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: *Spoiler* Viel Tough-To-Reach Area
« on: December 14, 2007, 11:52:53 pm »
Have you been to the top of the Sun Temple? You should see some of the other spoilers if you can't figure out how to get there.

General / Re: Aquaria hit the P2P
« on: December 14, 2007, 05:51:03 pm »
Copy protection, of ANY kind, is pretty much useless anyway. It will be cracked, no matter what you use. In the end, it's really just a waste of time.
Well, the usual response to that is it buys time. There's probably some merit in that, as any borderline cases who usually pirate but are hyped about your game might bite the bullet and shell out on impulse. The importance of copy protection probably scales with the anticipation level of your game for that reason. If you know what you're doing it may be possible to baffle crackers for a week or more, but that's probably not worth the effort.

Additionally, buyers expect it, so you need at least some generic protection to look professional.
That's funny, I work the opposite way. If I know there's going to be some malware being installed with the legit version, I will definitely pirate it first. If it's worth buying, I'll do so and leave the bought copy unopened. As every game has its small glitches in the first iteration, there's nothing to lose by being a few days or even months later than its release to get it.

Gameplay / Re: Royal Soup
« on: December 13, 2007, 09:50:10 pm »
I just picked one up and the recipe was mine...

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in the Sun Temple.
« on: December 11, 2007, 11:20:20 pm »
Gah, I can't believe I had it just a few centimeters away from where it was supposed to go when I tried to get it stuck on the ledge. Thanks a lot!

Gameplay / Re: Stuck in the Sun Temple.
« on: December 11, 2007, 10:07:22 pm »
Okay, I guess I'm extremely stupid, because I'm still not able to figure it out with this information. I can move the stone (in its holder) wherever above water level I want, but I don't know where I'm supposed to put it. My first thought is I should get it down to the dark room, but I'm unable to lower the water level to there and I fail to get it out of the floating holder.

I've tried and failed:
* Put it under a ceiling and raise water level. Depending on location, it either sits stuck in the ceiling or suddenly teleports through the ceiling once the water level reaches the upper floor. I can't find any way to manipulate it in the first condition, and the second is basically the same as where it was when I lowered it in the first place.
* Put it on the ledge in the leftmost upper room and lower the water, then wall-jump up to it. Depending on location, either gets stuck on the floor or teleports down to a room I haven't explored yet. Can't see any way to manipulate it still.
* Jump at it in all forms I have (normal, fish, energy, nature, beast).
* Shoot it with energy and a variety of consumed ammunition, as well as sprouts and even the cute bubbles of the fish form.
* Jump over it while pulling.
* Curse at it (don't have a mic though :))

The good thing is, my blundering around has made me find the treasure in the area, which I never would have found if I hadn't tried so hard to find something to get further.

General / Re: Aquaria hit the P2P
« on: December 11, 2007, 12:46:46 am »
At least it wasn't out there before it got released, like some others... But there would be no stopping it regardless of what measures were taken. The people who download there are probably not among the ones who would buy the game in the first place. Those who enjoy the game enough to buy it will do so though. I often try a pirated version first and then buy the game when I see it is any good. Not necessary in this case as the fantastic demo is more than enough to convince me.

General / Re: Downloading Aquaria
« on: December 10, 2007, 10:09:19 pm »
Thank you very much luciferin :). Emailing the devs to get a new key sounds like an okay way for the customers, but I think they're setting themselves up for a problem later with having to monitor their mail and manually create a new key every once in a while. Particularly if this game becomes highly successful it could evolve into a problem, but I don't know the expected sales figures.

Now just for Paypal to recognize the deposit I made...

General / Re: Downloading Aquaria
« on: December 10, 2007, 08:24:01 am »
Good luck with the final rush to get the game up for download, and once you're done I'd love to have the original poster's question answered. In particular, I'm hoping it will be possible to download to more than one computer.
Bumping as I'm not sure how often the devs view posts off the first page. So, will I be able to install it on both my laptop and desktop systems with one purchase? The buy page doesn't say anything that I can see.

General / Re: First look Critique
« on: December 09, 2007, 04:35:20 pm »
I must voice my agreement that the singing tutorial was confusing. My experience: "Oh, okay, use right button to sing. But why am I supposed to sing?". Two rooms later I get to hear that you need to sing to the plants, causing me to have to backtrack to the other plants (or, in retrospect, I could have just not done it, as the stuff is available in great quantities later).

It's easily fixed by giving the information of what to sing at (the plants) at the same place where you tell how to actually do the singing. Then again, it also taught me to backtrack, which has been useful later... Take a stroll back to the start after you've learned how to lift rocks!

General / Re: Downloading Aquaria
« on: December 07, 2007, 05:23:49 pm »
Hi, first post on these forums, got referred here from the Magi forum. My watch says it's the 7th today ;). I was going to suggest Stardock for distribution but see in the Steam thread that someone already did that. Good luck with the final rush to get the game up for download, and once you're done I'd love to have the original poster's question answered. In particular, I'm hoping it will be possible to download to more than one computer.

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