I'm new here, and I'm already advertising other games. Wait, what!?
Hopefully nobody minds if I do this... :X
What would be more lovely than waking up in an abandoned castle while suffering amnesia classed "really bad" and then realizing that there was some
thing on look for you?
Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a 3D first-person survival-horror game made by Frictional Games.
You might recognize the name Frictional Games from other survival-horror game series called Penumbra.
What makes Amnesia superior to other horror games that instead of making a FPS game first and then adding just a bit of horror around here and there and disgusting looking monsters, Amnesia is being made with horror all the time in the mind.
As an example, you can see this by having no weapons. No weapons to defend you from those... creatures.
All you can do is just try to hide and sneak past the enemies. At the worst moment you have to
run away from your enemies.
You are in control of your character all the time. No lame cutscenes where it's shown that a monster is approaching and you hide in a closet just before the monster sees you. No, you have to do all that by yourself fast enough.
Plus, the control scheme. You can interact with objects as you would in real life... Rotate it around, make it closer or farther away from you, throw it...
In fact, you can see it all in the teaser trailers.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwO533cANKghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWHBlDCvhkgIf you really want to try it out, you should try Penumbra series...
Penumbra: Overture and Penumbra: Black Plague.
The collection with the whole Penumbra series, including the expansion Penumbra: Requiem which consists of several puzzles, costs only $20...
A few videos of Penumbra series:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYiiVmSydM8http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhdD0lYBh0QAmnesia: The Dark Descent itself has not been released yet. It's supposed to be released in August 2010, and you can already pre-order it
in its official site.
When the game will be released, it will cost $20... When you pre-order it, you get it 20 % cheaper AKA $16.
Plus, as you can see from the
main page, there's a pre-order bar that gets filled up with each pre-order... When the bar hits 2 000 pre-orders, extra content will be added to the game.
Also, for those who want it in Steam...
You can get an activation key for Steam for our pre-orders if you request it at release. Steam does not do pre-orders this early for games, at least not for our game
...as stated in
Well, I guess that was pretty much everything. Your thoughts? :v