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Messages - MisterX

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Aquaria on the 1UP Show
« on: December 23, 2007, 03:17:03 am »
As it was said already it's very nice to see Aquaria get so much attention. I guess generally more attention should be paid to indie developers, especially when it's so personal like in this 1up show segment. But of course, if anybody deserves this much attention there's no doubt it's Alec and Derek for such a great, polished work :)

Gameplay / Re: Ice Area (I need help) (SPOILERS)
« on: December 19, 2007, 07:13:59 pm »
Concerning the bubbles: If you mean the ones at the Frozen Veil, you can also easily jump up the island on the right side by using the beast form. There is a blue crystal you can hold on to, so it's rather easy that way :)

And about the hotkeys: I only ever use the "X"-key for reverting, as oftentimes I just can't get clicking both mouse buttons right when fighting a boss or especially in the race.

Gameplay / Re: Playing without Auto Aim?
« on: December 11, 2007, 03:59:46 pm »
I've only played the demo so far, but using the mouse only I turned auto-aim off while keeping enemy targeting on. The reason simply is that I didn't like automatically shooting those innocent cutesy fish (and other creatures) :D So when I'm actually fighting enemies I can still attack them by holding the right mouse button and tagging them with the cursor.
Just probably for later bosses or fights I would turn auto-aim on again as it's easier.

General / Aquaria on german TV
« on: December 10, 2007, 11:08:42 pm »
I just wanted to point out that right now the demo of Aquaria is shown on the german TV show "Giga Games". It's not as popular anymore as it used to be, but I guess it's still quite a nice thing being featured there :)
If you're interested you can actually view a live stream right here (click on "start media player stream") (They show each game several times for a few minutes throughout an hour). They already had some fun being eating by the big fish and "swirling around" :D
Aquaria obviously gained quite some popularity already :)

Looks like they only showed it the one time. Well, better than nothing, probably got some viewers interested :)

General / Re: Order of the food item on the item rack
« on: December 09, 2007, 10:59:21 pm »
Sounds like a suitable solution. I just guess you'd have to have some kind of visual feedback for the button being "pressed", like that the arrow for changing the page starts glowing as soon as you drag an item onto it.

General / Re: Order of the food item on the item rack
« on: December 09, 2007, 10:56:06 pm »
Wouldn't the simplest way be letting you switch items by dragging one onto another? As you can already drag them around for placing them for cooking and eating them, that seems like a pretty straightforward solution me :)

Oh, wait, then you'd still have to be able to change the pages some way. Hm..

Games / Re: Bioshock
« on: December 05, 2007, 12:18:51 pm »
Hi there! Finally I went aboard :D

BioShock also disappointed me, but the weird thing is, I don't really know why. I absolutely loved the games visual design the first time I saw it and actually the design is also just that great in the game. Just somehow I didn't really "dig" it. I mostly had to tell myself "Okay, now look around, don't just overlook it. Yeah, really, looks great!" instead of just having the "feeling" that it's amazing. Also the actual gameplay was not surprisingly fun or anything. It was alright, but in my opinion it didn't seem to fit the great design, in that it's mostly just simple shooting. But again, it's different to other shooters, the enemies are pretty interesting and all - and yet I didn't have the great fun fighting in BioShock.
There's one thing about which I got a clear opinion, though, and that's the Plasmids. I thought the whole Plasmid concept would be so great, much better than typical spells like in Dark Messiah and really making the game so very varied and tactical. But what does it boil down to? You got 2 greatly effective Plasmids, upgrade them and probably use the others from time to time, but more or less they're nothing more than very simple alternative attacks. So you stun the enemy using Electrobolt then shoot him to death, or you lighthim up using Incinerate and.. shoot him to death. If you like you can also beat him with the wrench. You just mostly don't need to or can't really set up cool chain reactions and traps, anyway.
And of course, I shouldn't forget the story, which was actually nice, as you could get to understand what went on in this place, Rapture. Just again, even though there's a pretty cool twist, I wasn't really surprised any time.

Well, I definitely wouldn't say BioShock is a bad game in any way, it's definitely far above the average in most ways, but for some reason I just couldn't get the hang of it.
Because of this you can also guess I'm expecting that much more from Aquaria in terms on atmosphere and overall "feeling" :) Just that even though I've learned from playing BioShock, I don't have any doubt Aquaria will be the expectedly lovely experience :)

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