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Messages - Little Lamb Lost

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: A La Carte - Recipe tool-tips
« on: December 10, 2007, 03:14:45 pm »
Space doesn't need to be too much of an issue.
Since the recipes window opens to the side of the food carried (which is very well considered, by the way, I've see too many  games with inventories/menus which open on top of something they refer too) could the description text be displayed in the middle of that wheel?

Gameplay / A La Carte - Recipe tool-tips
« on: December 09, 2007, 06:23:32 pm »
Could the dishes in the recipe menu have a roll-over/tool-tip describing their effects?

Currently, you can see the effect if you're carrying a dish, but if you use it up you either have to remember it's effect or cook up a new one to find out. I'm just about OK with the ten most common things I use, but I've had to start writing a crib-sheet.

Aside from this small suggested tweak, I'm enjoying the game immensely, both in terms of gameplay, story and user interface.

Thank you!

General / Re: The Gift that keeps on Giving
« on: December 08, 2007, 09:38:09 am »
So I got:

One download location, one registration name and two serial numbers - that'll do for now, but I hope we can do some administrative jiggling...

General / Re: The Gift that keeps on Giving
« on: December 08, 2007, 09:22:01 am »
Just to add a question/update anyone interested...

I can't find a gifting feature in the current buy pages - I've got as far as the "enter your card details" page.  I want to give the present today, but I don't necessarily want to send my friend my credit card details. Nor do I want to order for me and find I cannot order again on the same address etc.

I'm going to buy two copies and send one of the codes to this friend (along with a link to the patch), I'll let you know how it goes...

General / The Gift that keeps on Giving
« on: December 05, 2007, 12:41:18 am »

Could you outline the ordering/purchasing process?

Specifically, would someone (me) be able to purchase Aquaria for someone else (some, if not all, of my friends) as well as themselves (me, again)? Or would that person (guess who) have to send them money and demand they spent it on a copy of Aquaria?


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