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Messages - CoolJosh3k

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Aquaria needs to be on XBLA!
« on: February 08, 2010, 10:26:04 am »
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days.

I went of a holiday for 2-3 days.

I will get into looking at publisher and such tommorrow

General / Re: Aquaria needs to be on XBLA!
« on: February 04, 2010, 06:22:34 am »

- Money: We can't fund it, we're each funding our own other projects

- Team: We're super busy and don't have the time, we're also not super keen to work on an old game again when we're doing new stuff. So we'd have to find someone else to do the work, and pay them somehow.

- Publisher?: This might be a solution to both the above problems, and I get the occasional email from a publisher talking about porting the game to XBLA... but most of them seem pretty shady.

- Quality?: There'd be no point in doing it if the development team involved didn't care, or sucked and the port ended up being terrible.

So yeah, if you can solve all those problems we'd love to do it. :)

Any idea how much the development will cost?

Sounds like a publisher would be best.

Perhaps I will see what I can find out about these "shady" publishers for you? What about seeking a publisher of your own? I could definatly help you there.

For the quality, your right about doing it it properly. I'm glad you care. If a trustworthy publisher could be found with a good reputation, then this shouldn't be a problem.

General / Re: Aquaria needs to be on XBLA!
« on: February 03, 2010, 10:56:37 am »
Aquaria would sell like mad on XBLA.
Imagine the 5.1 sound for those who have it! Stunning fullHd visuals anyone?!

I like to invest my own money in getting this game released on the XBLA if it were possible.

This needs to be discussed seriously to get it done.

I'd like for the guys involved with porting Aquaria,  to explian what is stopping it from arriving on XBLA.
With a list, then those problems can be solved one by one.

I'm sure if it is expensive, then many fans will want to invest to help with the project.

My reason for wanting the XBLA version, is for the fullHD and 5.1 sound. I also never finished the game (1/3 the way through).

The profits from an XBLA release would be very good and if DLC was made I'm sure it would also help.

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