« on: January 01, 2008, 07:49:25 pm »
The problem with this thread is, the OP for some weird reason thinks he is giving constructive criticism, when in fact he's saying "I don't like that genre, please redesign the entire game". Because the genre (shared with the Metroid, the recent Castlevania series', and Zelda to a certain extent) is ALL about exploration and backtracking. That's the gameplay. It's good you enjoyed the graphics, sound, and swimming/fighting mechanics, but the game is about exploring. You mention that you are spending most of your time going from point A to point B, but it's not that kind of game. You generally do NOT have a point B to go to. You are exploring, and trying to find new places to go to, new things you can do. New plants you can pluck, new creatures you can harvest for ingredients. New treasures to find, new abilities. If you are following a Walkthrough, then yes, I guess it would be really boring sitting there swimming from point A to B following it.
Also, the game *does* deal with travelling to places you've been to before, speeding up travel. For example, you say you finished the demo - did you note that it gave you a nice shortcut from the end of the temple where the boss was back to the beginning? That way you didn't have to travel back through the entire temple to get out. There are a number of those shortcuts throughout the game, and more of them as you progress. For example, the game world really opens up and becomes HUGE after you finish the demo area - but the game starts giving methods of "warping" around the world from extreme places. And as has been mentioned, there are foods which temporarily increase swimming speed, some which combine that with extra defenses and stuff, and there are a couple new abilities you get (not too far into the game past the demo) which allow you to travel faster anytime you want.