« on: February 08, 2007, 02:28:31 pm »
Hmm, I think that Metroid translated the gameplay to 3D better than most games but it seems that due to the limited number of digits we have there's always some aspect of 2D gameplay which suffers in translation to 3D.
Arguably in Metroid's case it was the shooting which suffered, being clunky and having to rely on the lock-on, but the platforming in it worked very well and certainly in terms of map design and a sense of exploration I think that it worked better than the last two 2D Metroids, Fusion felt incredibly constrained and Zero Mission led you by the hand too much.
I think the fault with this particular version is that the player is simply too big for the screen, making a very short-range game which Metroid Prime certainly wasn't. The same thing plagued that attempt to do Halo in 2D, although that was stymied by repetitive and boring gameplay as well.