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Messages - illithid235

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Gameplay / Re: I found something I don't know what to do with. *Spoilers*
« on: December 27, 2007, 06:16:22 pm »
I had a hard time with this one too, for me I just had to wait for an easy song combination before I could do it. I think the song I finally won with had the same note four times at the beginning.

General / Re: Aquaria FAQ
« on: December 08, 2007, 07:27:52 am »
Excellent! Thanks!

Gameplay / Re: first impressions
« on: December 08, 2007, 07:12:48 am »
Videos only do so much, so I wanted to let you guys know what I thought of the game after spending about half an hour playing it.

Visuals: Absolutely brilliant. The backgrounds are just fantastic, you've done a great job of making me feel like I'm in a 2-D world that still has depth. I don't notice any repetition in the environments, either, I feel like I'm really exploring a physical location. Naija's sprite is absolutely adorable! Fits very well with the rest of the game. Energy effects look great too. My only tiny complaint is with the minimap in the bottom right corner. It's a little fuzzy, and sometimes it can be hard to read. But hey, double click, and you get a crystal clear map. So not a big deal.

Controls: Bravo. Naija swims so fluidly to the movements of my mouse. And the controls you picked are extremely intuitive. The singing interface is great, as well. The energy blasts are fantastic. Also, controlling Naija is a breeze, and you really notice it in combat situations. I love being able to dart between enemies and pummel them with energy blasts. Bravo!

Sound: The only track I was lukewarm on was the Energy Temple track, but I still think it worked well. The other songs I've encountered so far are brilliant, they really complement the atmosphere set by the visuals. Jenna's voice acting is top notch. Even the expressions of pain and surprise. Often, those are the only voice bits that irritate me in otherwise flawless voice acting, but here they sound great.

Gameplay: The only non-positive comment I can make here is that I can see someone wary of this game playing for 15 minutes and throwing it down, claiming that nothing happens. The first 15 minutes of simple exploring could be a turnoff to some, but I enjoyed seeing all the new sea life and examining the backgrounds. After your first big power upgrade, though, the pace really picks up.

Story: This obviously is the least developed point, but I'll speak to it, anyway. I am left wondering about a lot, but I have enough to go on so that I have some structure to my wondering. I think you balanced knowing and not knowing wonderfully.

So that's it for now. As I come across new things to say, I'll post them. Fantastic job, guys! Well worth my purchase!

General / Re: Movement of Naija
« on: December 08, 2007, 07:01:20 am »
I agree... her movements are great! I really enjoy the variety you get just moving around.. you can swim slowly, quickly, put on a quick burst of speed, cling to a wall to push off quickly, and sometimes spin when changing directions! But it's not completely formulaic.. I love that I can't consistently get Naija to do that little spin thing she does sometimes. Beautiful!!

The only minor criticism I have is the way she shoots the energy beams. The hand motion is just fine, but I don't like the way she just stares off into space when she's shooting. I don't know how much extra programming this would have taken, but I would have thought it amazing if her face followed the cursor or something. But, this is very minor, as the energy blasts and explosions (the really important part of the energy form!) look fantastic!

General / Re: Aquaria FAQ
« on: December 08, 2007, 06:53:43 am »
I was able to see the intro video the first time I loaded up the game, but on subsequent loads it just goes straight to the main menu. Any way that I can see the intro video again?

Support / Re: Problem
« on: December 08, 2007, 05:29:05 am »
Woohoo!! Awesome, Alec! That fixed it! Now, to turn myself to the beauty that is Aquaria...

Support / Re: Not able to access full download purchase?
« on: December 08, 2007, 05:15:11 am »
When you get to the "Service Unavailable" page, go to the URL and take the 's' out of the 'https'. You'll be able to access the site this way, but it won't be secure, so you might want to use Paypal to pay, if at all possible.

Support / Re: Problem
« on: December 08, 2007, 05:07:15 am »
Demo worked for me three times, ran flawlessly without any problems.

Support / Re: Problem
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:25:41 am »
Same here. I was watching the intro and there was this weird bar across the bottom of the screen. So I exited to see if I could change the resolution, and when I tried to open it back up, I got that same error message.

General / Re: IT'S OUT.
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:15:25 am »
Okay, stinky PayPal. I had to fuss with some account problems, but I got it sorted out, and I'm downloading now!! I really hope it runs smoothly, because I have no programming knowledge whatsoever... looking forward to immersing myself!!

General / Re: Website update
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:09:47 am »
It's not just you, I also couldn't access the secure site.

General / Re: IT'S OUT.
« on: December 08, 2007, 03:26:59 am »
I can't access the site to buy it!! *whines*

I guess this is a good sign for Derek and Alec though? I hope it's not a whole day before I can get it.... regardless...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is an amazing feat you've accomplished, Bit Blot. You should be extremely proud of yourself for crafting a unique piece of art.

General / Re: I am impatient and want your excellent looking game...
« on: December 08, 2007, 03:24:14 am »
Ohhh maaaan!! It's out... but I can't buy it! I guess it's understandable that the site would be a little bogged down.. I just hope I can get my hands on it soon!

General / Re: I am impatient and want your excellent looking game...
« on: December 08, 2007, 02:19:12 am »
Even if it is 8 days, I will still love the game. I am anxiously awaiting it, but I'm sure the guys are working frantically on it.

General / Re: Disc version/Future Retail plans
« on: December 07, 2007, 01:40:59 am »

Surely you don't believe that Orange Box has a nice logo!  That thing is hideous.  :D

I wasn't saying that I think those boxes are particularly pretty... the Space Quest Collection box is quite bland. I was just imagining what it would look like next to the very few games that I have above my monitor. I actually don't know why I named what I had, it wasn't necessary... but oh well.

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