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Messages - mxtomek

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Aquaria: Linux - Open Beta!
« on: February 09, 2010, 11:36:13 am »
Beta3 worked fine on Mandiva Linux 2010 64bit, Intel Core 2 Duo, GF9600GT, 4GB Ram, newest drivers - graphics a little bit slower on linux as on WinXP. I have update problems with Mandriva i future i will try OpenSUSE.

Support / Re: Aquaria: Linux - Open Beta!
« on: January 20, 2010, 10:10:55 am »
Thank's for quick answer. I'm waiting to try out the third beta.
I will report the steam archiwment "Boom Shrimp" bug -> read the steam forum too. <- i see u working on it :-)

Support / Re: Aquaria: Linux - Open Beta!
« on: January 19, 2010, 08:57:51 am »
I installed on Mandriva linux 2010.0. Installation wors very fine, but i wos not able to run this game and i think the reason was not installed acceleration driver for NVidia GF9600GT. Now i have problem with this update system and will reinstall it, maybe then i try to install GF9600GT driver and the game will work fine. In past i have installed this driver with no problems i try out many of games.

I have one qustion: "I have bought this game on steam - will i able to download lunux client for this great game and play full version ??"

Sorry for my english

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