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Messages - ryan

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Giant turtle loves to fly
« on: December 14, 2007, 09:53:43 pm »

Modding / Re: the greatest mod story ever told...
« on: December 14, 2007, 04:40:55 pm »
why. didn't... i . think.. of... that. :'(

Yeah, neither would be a good mod in the sense of an expansion on the great existing environments and beasts of aquaria (also.. swimming??). That said, I'm gonna try to cut my teeth on the editor with the wolfenstein mod just to see how much i can learn...  :)

hey Drift--- I went back this afternoon to recreate it and had no luck...   :(
looking forward to the vidcapture if you can swing it!

Modding / the greatest mod story ever told...
« on: December 14, 2007, 02:08:13 am »
okay, so i told these to derek already... 
here i present unto theeeee
the TWO best mod ideas ever (EVER):

1) An Uzumaki/Enigma of Amigara Fault horror mod. . .   Spiral maps, long-houses, underground human-shaped holes, snail girls, whirlpools (SO MANY WHIRLPOOLS) Lovecraftian depths, wormy creatures coming out of fissures DRR DRR DRR

Enigma of Amigara Fault

2) Swastika-shaped Wolfenstein3D map. cmon, you love it!! brick tiles, chaingun form, underwater dogs, color-coded keys
"You Have Learned the German Shepard Dogfood recipe!"

 ;D :( :D

@Alec:  I currently have VSync off and am playing windowed at 800x600 :)

I didn't see this thread and started a similar one in Gameplay:

Had the same glitch and loved it:

Gameplay / weird bug - flying down from above the Veil (Map spoiler maybe?)
« on: December 13, 2007, 07:11:55 am »
Hey dudes,

I've been playing sortof slowly and just got to the Veil. On the upper right side of the Veil, I was trying to learn how Naija can climb walls/interact, and slipped through some weird glitch--- then immediately found myself falling allllllllllllll the way down (for about a good 8-10 seconds) before hitting the water full force. Check out the results in my in-game map:

I haven't gone back and tried to recreate it, but it was a really pleasant (and confusing) surprise!

Gameplay / FIRST SHOCK (minor minor spoiler)
« on: December 08, 2007, 06:31:34 am »
that fucking huge fish next to naija's house swooped down and ate my pods before i could grab them.


hahaha.  my first of many shocks :)   
--- i can't post a serious reply to the game yet because... it's just too amazing (no hyperbole there). It's such an astonishing achievement artistically--- i couldn't be prouder of these dudes. I'd love to hear how much money they've made tonight--- this game is already worth the $30 after just 35 minutes of gameplay!  my sympathies to those with bad connections that haven't had the chance to jump in yet.

Games / Re: Games We've Loved...
« on: February 09, 2007, 10:57:39 pm »
i forgot to mention:

SMASH TV!  fuck yes, what an absolute delight. It was like a weird dystopian, philip k. dicki meets the running man nightmare. I LOVED YOU, SMASH TV


General / Re: Controls (^_^)
« on: February 05, 2007, 06:11:14 am »
this thread just blew my mind. Notes? Microphone control? say WHAT?  ...just got more excited about this already radical game.

you guys are really doing something fresh here. can't wait to hear more. Alex: if you guys win, i'll consider digging for undies pics :)

woot woot -ryan

Games / Re: Games We've Loved...
« on: February 04, 2007, 07:07:44 am »
So, all mine are from a pretty standard library of NES/SNES/GENESIS, but these are the ones that really take ME back...

1. CABAL: My favorite NES game ever. The silly heel-clicking dance when you've killed them all, the crazy rolling, the gut-renching CHUNK-CHUNK-CHUNK sound when you bite the big one. I LOVE THIS GAME

2. FLASHBACK: Philip K. Dick meets Earthworm Jim-- sucha a moody, COOL platform game. The pace at which the story unfolds is unbeatable.

3. SECRET OF MANA: This game made my love RPGs all over again. So MANY secrets... So MUCH mana!


5. Couldn't find a screenshot but, EMPIRE 1: World Builders, EMPIRE 2: Insterllar Sharks, were my main jams (on the Apple IIgs) for like 4 years straight. USE LASGUN. KICK DEAD. RUN CUSTOMS.

as for right now....

6. Current Obsession #1[/img]

Off-Topic / Re: Emotitest
« on: February 04, 2007, 02:40:22 am »
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ATHF terrorism ftw?

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: February 04, 2007, 02:08:39 am »
i'm ryan,

i like horror, games, horror games, and comics. derek has slept on my floor, and i have seen him in his undies. x2. i also am 1/2 of the manga scanlation/news site samehat.blogspot.com. 

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