General / Re: Changing forms instant?
« on: October 04, 2009, 01:34:43 am »
Cheat Engine would allow you to find the value in the memory of the game that you are looking for. For the cheaters:
- All food values are of type byte
- To avoid crashes, do not put more than 8 per slot
- The food circle starts at the bottom (South) and goes counter clock wise: so if you manage to find the South most food slot number's memory address, you can start counting counter clock wise with the offset: 5C; There are total 16 slots
- For those who are looking for static address so you don't have to scan it every time, scan and find this value: 02F30020 (don't forget to tick of Hax)
- The address should be 0061077C with offset: 222C
- follow that pointer and do it for 2 times: so 0061077C points to _____, which points to ______, which points to the south most food slot
- It doesn't matter what page it is on, the memory will be updated correctly if you flip the page