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Messages - Faithful

Pages: [1]
General / Hello New to Game, Have a DRM Question
« on: September 22, 2009, 10:19:48 pm »
Hi all just bought the game to support developers that make and provide to users DRM Free games.

I read in a different post that since version 1.1.1 the game has been DRM Free, but I have  a question.

I received my email with a download link (which I did), but it also included a Registration Key number.

Why, would I need a Reg. Key if the game is 100% DRM Free?

I would really like to know the answer to this before I install the game, as I bought the game to support DRM Free games and that is what I am trusting I received.


EDIT: OK, I have been looking around and I found this thread, Registration Key Topic.  I think this is the answer I was looking for, so off to install the game now.  :)

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