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Messages - Scarole

Pages: [1]
Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: September 30, 2009, 07:02:29 pm »
Just wanted to introduce myself, because asking stuffs on a forum without saying who I am isn't very polite. :p

So my name's Carole, I'm 19 & I'm french.
I like many things like horse riding or music or being with my friends (of course !), but I also like video games a lot (I'm mostly playing Guild Wars). ^^'

I discovered Aquaria by a friend of mine who made me listen to the music first, and I just fell in lov with it, it's amazing. *o* So I wanted to discover the game, and I liked it a lot even if I got lost a few times. ^^'

Anyway, it is a really nice forum that you've done here you guys, thanks for all your help !

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:55:04 pm »
Oh no, I didn't know I have to shoot it only just before it shoots. :x You mean when everything because more blue & the mouth is open right ?
And yeah, I thought about take my pet out for the next try. ^^'

Thanks for your answer, I hope I will have him next time. :p

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: September 29, 2009, 01:40:11 pm »
Heya !

Thanks for helping, actually I went too fast into the cave so I didn't wait enough for Li. =x

I'm now at final boss, and I have a problem with him. :( I read the topic about boss strategies but I'm at the final form of the boss, too the eye out, so there is that big mouth attacking with a huge laser. I know I have to kill ennemis which will spawn but ... they spawn only one time, and my pet killed one of them so I didn't kill enough foes to charge Li. :/ And now, I'm waiting again & again, shooting the mouth, and no new ennemis appear.

Any idea of what I can do to avoid this ?

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: September 23, 2009, 03:46:02 pm »
Hi guys,

First I'd like to thank all of you who are helping cause I did many mistakes at the start of the game (I had nature form, but not beast one, went to The Abyss without going through Veil before ... xD) ... So thanks ! ^^

But here I need your help once again, because I can't find the answer by researching in : it is about Li, and well ... results with "li" are really a lot of course, but not the guy. ^^

(Maybe some spoilers)

I have 3 pets, all forms until the spirit one, explored all what I can explore in The Abyss, and 2 of the memories (god I hate climbing, I suck at it !) ...
I know I have to go to the door she said she knows, and I also know I need Li's help.
My problem is that I just can't understand how to meet him !

Let me explain : I went through the Veil, saw him & tried to follow him cause I'm a curious girl, went to his cave, explored it. And then ? I know I'm probably missing something obvious but I just can't find where he's supposed to be so I can interact with him !

So if someone could help me to get thus guy it would be great. :p

Thanks !

(& sorry for my english, I'm french so I hope my problem is well enough explained :/)

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