Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: October 22, 2009, 01:37:09 pm »
Hello, I thought I'd introduce myself.
My name's Margaret. It has been a while since I registered on the forums and even longer since I discovered the game itself but I took my time to try and then buy it. Frankly, this is THE one game that should be bought because it is a true labour of love and it has an old-school soul about it. In times when it is becoming harder to find anything borne out of true passion, Aquaria definitely stands out as a little gem. It is like a breath of fresh air among all the tedious sameness on sale today. From story to graphics, everything is so polished! I love the exploring most of all. Aquaria has swept me off my feet with the degree of open-endedness it offers - it is a rare treat to find something which lets you wander this freely.
Now, I suck at games which require shooting and reflex, I've never been a fan of platormfers (except for Braid- that one is a genuinely unique game), arcades or shooters. I usually play point&clicks (preferably old-school, 2d, hand-drawn), puzzle-type games and rpgs, if I find something actually worth my time. That's why at first I was somewhat fearful of Aquaria being more "action" based. I got used to that after a short while, though. And I have to say..it makes more sense to me to have more action than puzzles. It fits. It feels like Aquaria should be. Plus the challenge is quite welcome.
I am playing Aquaria on my laptop with a touch pad, no mouse (only 1/4 working USB port, the rest is damaged and the one port that works I use for a stable internet connection) but even I got used to the controls ( use mostly keyboard, the hotkeys are a true blessing!)) and thus can manage the game quite nicely. I only have a problem co-ordinating clinging to walls with attacking if there is a need for me to do both at the same time. That' is probably part of the reason why the beast form boss was more difficult for me but I beat it eventually. Yay. I'm now exploring the gorgeous and dangerous Kelp Forest.
Anyway, absolutely adore the soul, the idea behind the game, how everything goes so well together, the graphics, the music, the moving, at times chilling story. I'm really lovin' this ride!
Thank you for making something this gorgeous and worthwile. I have been charmed.
Best regards to the makers and all fans of Aquaria.
My name's Margaret. It has been a while since I registered on the forums and even longer since I discovered the game itself but I took my time to try and then buy it. Frankly, this is THE one game that should be bought because it is a true labour of love and it has an old-school soul about it. In times when it is becoming harder to find anything borne out of true passion, Aquaria definitely stands out as a little gem. It is like a breath of fresh air among all the tedious sameness on sale today. From story to graphics, everything is so polished! I love the exploring most of all. Aquaria has swept me off my feet with the degree of open-endedness it offers - it is a rare treat to find something which lets you wander this freely.
Now, I suck at games which require shooting and reflex, I've never been a fan of platormfers (except for Braid- that one is a genuinely unique game), arcades or shooters. I usually play point&clicks (preferably old-school, 2d, hand-drawn), puzzle-type games and rpgs, if I find something actually worth my time. That's why at first I was somewhat fearful of Aquaria being more "action" based. I got used to that after a short while, though. And I have to say..it makes more sense to me to have more action than puzzles. It fits. It feels like Aquaria should be. Plus the challenge is quite welcome.
I am playing Aquaria on my laptop with a touch pad, no mouse (only 1/4 working USB port, the rest is damaged and the one port that works I use for a stable internet connection) but even I got used to the controls ( use mostly keyboard, the hotkeys are a true blessing!)) and thus can manage the game quite nicely. I only have a problem co-ordinating clinging to walls with attacking if there is a need for me to do both at the same time. That' is probably part of the reason why the beast form boss was more difficult for me but I beat it eventually. Yay. I'm now exploring the gorgeous and dangerous Kelp Forest.
Anyway, absolutely adore the soul, the idea behind the game, how everything goes so well together, the graphics, the music, the moving, at times chilling story. I'm really lovin' this ride!
Thank you for making something this gorgeous and worthwile. I have been charmed.
Best regards to the makers and all fans of Aquaria.