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Messages - Jekyll Grim Payne

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Treasure Hunter's Maps [Mad Spoilers]
« on: September 01, 2009, 09:27:48 pm »
Those were the two relics from the Sun temple I missed... I got it all now. Thanks for the maps!

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: August 31, 2009, 11:18:16 pm »
I was being stupid. Thanks, it was easy after that...

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Treasure Hunter's Maps [Mad Spoilers]
« on: August 31, 2009, 11:17:08 pm »
OK, I got the Arnassi armor, using Fish and Spirit forms and the two blue crystals to beat the race. And it seems to me that I should have all the costumes and treasures. However, two places in the treasure inventory are empty, which is odd. Does anyone know, what should be there between the Arnassi statue and Jelly Beacon on the first page and between the Black Pearl and the Urchin Costume on the second page? These slots are empty for me...

Gameplay / Re: Do armor effects still apply when in other forms?
« on: August 31, 2009, 01:05:51 pm »
I know. I searched for this topic, then I found out about that myself. It was just a... simpler confirmation.

Gameplay / Re: Do armor effects still apply when in other forms?
« on: August 31, 2009, 01:18:47 am »
Special armors don't work in other forms but the normal one. Well, that's simple. I use Jelly armor, it heals you whenever your healths is considered 'critical' (yellow or red). It does so only in the normal form.

Gameplay / Re: Help! I'm Stuck!
« on: August 31, 2009, 12:35:25 am »
This must've been asked already, but I can't find the answer. How do I kill that crab in Frozen Veil? I figured you can draw and hold the projetiles it shoots, and they blow up after some time, but what should I do with them? Spent about twelve  minutes there (thanks to Jelly costume, that wasn't a problem), but haven't figured that out.

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Treasure Hunter's Maps [Mad Spoilers]
« on: August 31, 2009, 12:30:18 am »
Well, yeah. I did the race. I even think I won, but there still wasn't any armor. Or maybe I didn't win... I'm not sure. How is it shown if you do, anyway?

I use a gamepad. I think mouse+keyboard sucks, as this doesn't give me enough flexibility and it's much less convenient when singing (mouse may be precise, but much, much slower). I always sing manually (with an analog stick) to switch forms and, you know, it's actually very quick, when you have enough training. Besides, singing is not strict, you can sing an unnecessary note, and this'll work anyway (e.g. you have to sing D, F, G, H to change to the Dual form, but just moving analong stick through D to H (thus singing E too) works just as well).

I know I didn't give any answer, so forgive my blabbing :)

Gameplay / Re: Aquaria Treasure Hunter's Maps [Mad Spoilers]
« on: August 30, 2009, 09:59:21 pm »
Um, I'm having a problem with the Arnassi Armor. Before beating the final boss I decided to find everything that can be found in the world, so I used the maps. I've been to the Arnassi Gauntlet before and didn't notice any armor there. I came there again, and still there wasn't any armor. I also have a strange feeling that I found it already, but I don' have it in my inventory. Does something special has to be done to get this suit?

Gameplay / Re: "Deeper than the Abyss"? "The source of the light"?
« on: August 29, 2009, 05:02:22 pm »
Aha! That's intriguing. I remember that bubble and I think I remember the one in Mithalas. I guess I haven't found the whale... Well, I downloaded the treasure hunter's map, so I'll make it.

The other thing I'd like to know is: is there a changelog that explains the difference between 1.1.1 and 1.0.3 versions of the game?

Gameplay / Re: "Deeper than the Abyss"? "The source of the light"?
« on: August 29, 2009, 11:02:27 am »
You got me wrong. I've beaten the game already and I got all the forms. Do the words I quoted simply refer to the Body and the surface, or is there something else? Like that boss in the Abyss. Don't remember what it is already, but it was strong, I wonder what I could get from it... also, I got only two pets of four. And by far not all the recipes. In the ending sequence Naija referred to something that I, kind of, haven't yet discovered: is that supposed to mean "there will be a sequel", or I missed something? I even heard about an alternative ending... But I haven't found any description of easter eggs, secrets, etc.

Gameplay / "Deeper than the Abyss"? "The source of the light"?
« on: August 28, 2009, 11:18:22 pm »
I just wondered, whether these phrases here were a hint about Aquaria 2, or there actually are places much higher and much deeper?.. I wouldn't like spend hours searching of there actually is nothing else. I only know about a boss in the Abyss I didn't kill, as it was too tough, I suppose there are a couple of easter eggs, but are there really big secret places or anything?

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