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Messages - chris_pham82

Pages: [1]
General / N-Vidia 260 Video Card Crashes
« on: August 03, 2009, 05:42:22 pm »
I need help how to fix my N-Vidia Video Card 260.  Whenever i try to play Call of Duty World At War the screen freezes and it turns to blurry dots with different colors.  I have to restart my pc when  that happens.  I tried to update to the latest Driver for it and still the same thing happened.  I am using Window Vista 32bit.  I don't have any problems with Window XP. I am using a 700 watts Power Supply and I don't think the PS has nothing to do with the issue here.

Is there anyway you guys can help me out here?  Oh, that card has problem with First Person Shooting Games period.  When i play Company of Heroes it runs fine with out a hiccup.

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