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Messages - D2k

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General / GG
« on: July 30, 2009, 12:04:38 pm »
Hi. I just finished the game and I have to say this is probably the best side scroller i've seen... Like ever. Kudos to everyone who chipped in the development. Played the game to near 100% completion and it took around 24 hours.

Here are some hilights of my experience.

1. Aquaria is really pretty. I loved the art style.
2. Music. The music in this game is very well done. Very moving and inspirational. To Alec and Ian. I want to know what software was used in the creation of the music. I know its FL Studio. the test.ogg gave that away. lol. I am talking about VSTs and other plugins. Shoot me a PM PLEASE!
3. I loved the story. Despite any negative comments on the story. I thought it was really emotionally moving and unique.
4. Breaking the veil was a powerful moment. As were plenty of other emotionally moving moments too.
5. I cared about what happened to Naija. Mostly every game, book, or movie nowdays fails to form any sort of attachment between me and the protagonist in any way what-so-ever. But somehow you did it.

Overall your game has sent shivers down my spine on several occasions in a good way. Not to be confused with shivers caused from fear, (which I don't get anyway) and not many things can do that . These moments were either from moving moments, or musical magic, and because of that I'm writing this post. Alec and the rest of the team. I loved the game, and definately am looking forward to the next.

I'm sorry I don't have any constructive critisim for you but i'm sure everyone else is taking real good care of that already. I am impressed. Thanks for the game, and keep doing what you do... The videogame industry needs more developers like you guys.

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