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Messages - ReySquared

Pages: [1]
I thought I tried that and it didn't work  ???
Oh, I guess you can grab onto him like a wall, I was trying to right-click like on a seahorse.

I believe he's called an Ekkrit. Hope that helps  ;)
But should I be nice to it or not? :o

This fellow seems to have taken a liking to me... he doesn't eat food, he doesn't attack me, but he DOES take damage from my attacks.  Is there something I'm supposed to do with it?  Am I supposed to kill it?  Or does it just kinda... follow you around cheerfully when you're nearby?  Looked around the forum but couldn't find any other posts dealing with it... I don't particularly want to kill it if doesn't come back >_>;;

Here's a picture of it:


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