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Messages - tjam

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Extract Music?
« on: December 30, 2007, 02:03:57 am »
Yeah, what the hell. I mean its not like it takes time to produce a soundtrack or anything. Or like one of the dudes is on holiday so the other guy can't produce anything. I mean geez, why didn't the game take -1 year to develop (coming out in the past) that would have been great!

Hey hey hey, chill mate.  :P We love your work and would like to be able to enjoy your music outside the game.

Btw, my opinion would be to skip itunes. Anything but itunes...  :'(

General / Re: Extract Music?
« on: December 28, 2007, 03:21:24 am »
Would be easier if we could just get some mp3's  ;)

General / Re: There's a First Time for Everything...
« on: August 01, 2007, 04:51:04 am »
Yeah, was very well written indeed.  :)

General / Re: Why Naija speaks with an accent?
« on: August 01, 2007, 04:39:58 am »
Its kinda funny, Jenna Sharpe's website was one of the first sites I came across when looking for voice actors, and I was really impressed.
I'm having a hard time finding her web site. Would you mind providing a link?

General / Re: Steam?
« on: August 01, 2007, 04:05:41 am »
Har de har.

When the game is done, you'll be able to buy it from our site.
Isn't the benefit of using Steam, that it provides a good DRM? I'd hate to see you loose money from this wonderful product, because someone created a torrent for it.  :(

Seeing the quality of your work, I'd personally like to see that it sells well and that people won't be able to play it for free, i.e. stealing it, so you're able to make more of your ideas come true for us. :) I bet you've got some more cooking ;) 

General / Re: Music from the trailer
« on: August 01, 2007, 04:01:33 am »
Yeah, we'd totally love to release a soundtrack CD with a sexy label, liner notes, the werks: possibly part of a Limited Edition release of the game... i.e. You'd get a boxed version of the game with soundtrack, manual and other goodies. There are so many cool things we could include in that.

I just had to register to express my admiration of your work. The game looks phenomenal but what really did it for me was the music used in the trailer. It really connected with me on a deep (no pun intended) emotional level. Yes, bring on the soundtrack! I've listened to the trailer music several times now  :)

And I look forward to the game as well of course  ;)

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