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Messages - Santala

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: debug.log?
« on: February 03, 2011, 06:50:24 pm »
Hello again!

I just recently started playing Aquaria again on my new computer. Figured I'd check if I still have this issue and sure enough, debug.log keeps growing on it's own at a pace of about 300 megs for an hour played.

So I looked into the file and mostly it's filled with lines like these:

ACH_SPEED_RACER was already achieved
ACH_DEFEAT_MERGOG was already achieved
ACH_DISCOVER_ALL_RECIPES was already achieved
ACH_MASS_TRANSIT was already achieved
ACH_EXPLORER was already achieved
ACH_HEALTHY was already achieved
ACH_AQUIRE_ALL_SONGS was already achieved
ACH_DEFEAT_PRIESTS was already achieved
ACH_DEFEAT_OCTOMUN was already achieved
ACH_DEFEAT_ROCKCRAB was already achieved
ACH_DEFEAT_MANTISSHRIMP was already achieved
ACH_DEFEAT_KINGJELLY was already achieved
ACH_REACHED_OPEN_WATERS was already achieved
and so on...

Awhile back I got all the Steam achievements and apparently that is somehow related to that debug.log not getting cleared.

Just figured I'd let you know, even after all this time.

Support / Re: debug.log?
« on: June 14, 2009, 10:16:00 pm »
It's the Steam version of Aquaria by the way.

Now I wonder if I should keep my prize-winning debug.log. Feeding it with playing lots of Aquaria and watching how big it gets!

Support / debug.log?
« on: June 14, 2009, 08:50:02 am »
Hello folks. Love the game and have played it through twice now and haven't had too many problems with it so far. However I noticed the debug.log file on my Aquaria folder and it's about 900 MB in size! Hah, it takes two gigs of memory to open it in wordpad. Would it be safe to delete it and how big does that beast get if I don't?

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