Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: June 04, 2009, 06:01:44 am »Agree, there is really cozy feeling in this forum, and nice people in addition.
What WoW experience I have (trial+ addicted friends), I say I was disappointed to it because my friends showed how it should be played. Add-ons, all kind of programs, tables and matrices in order to squeeze 110% out from your character. Hey, where's the fun? How about background music (no, you click them off immidiately) or beautiful landscapes and stuff... no, you keep low quality settings in order to raid more effectively.
If I wanted Excel 2.0 , I would ask some. Not interested. I want to have clear, enchanting experience if I use my time on playing. Aquaria is purely for exploring places and adventure, nothing more or less.
It's true that some people play that way, but it's definitely not the only way (or the right way IMO). The amazing lore along with the great music and visuals were a big part of the fun for me in playing.