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Messages - Starfury

Pages: [1]
Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: June 04, 2009, 06:01:44 am »
Agree, there is really cozy feeling in this forum, and nice people in addition.

What WoW experience I have (trial+ addicted friends), I say I was disappointed to it because my friends showed how it should be played. Add-ons, all kind of programs, tables and matrices in order to squeeze 110% out from your character. Hey, where's the fun? How about background music (no, you click them off immidiately) or beautiful landscapes and stuff... no, you keep low quality settings in order to raid more effectively.

If I wanted Excel 2.0 , I would ask some. Not interested. I want to have clear, enchanting experience if I use my time on playing. Aquaria is purely for exploring places and adventure, nothing more or less.

It's true that some people play that way, but it's definitely not the only way (or the right way IMO).  The amazing lore along with the great music and visuals were a big part of the fun for me in playing.

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 31, 2009, 10:30:46 am »

I guess that you could say it was a good outcome from a bad situation that caused me to find Aquaria.

For a long time I've not played much but WoW as it satisfied my needs gaming wise.  My enjoyment of WoW though has been on a slow downcurve for the past 3 years as I was forced to cancel my satellite internet service (due to a new modem of theirs being a POS) and return to 26.4k dialup.  I was still able to play, though limited severely in what I could do.  What finally killed the game for me was that with the latest expansion I could no longer even participate in 10 man instances.  After trying for awhile to stay interested I finally just finished things up and quit playing last week.

It just so happened that at the same time I had just gotten the July PC Gamer which included the Aquaria demo on its ride along CD (which is a major part of why I get the mag in the first place).  As I now had nothing to do but play old games or look for new ones I decided to check out all the games on the disc.  ...I had ordered Aquaria within a couple days (though the extra $11.90 for the CD was quite annoying).  Aquaria very much helped to replace the void left by WoW.

All the time in WoW though has left me missing the interaction with other players, which drives me to come and read and post here.

General / Re: Aquaria 2?
« on: May 31, 2009, 09:18:45 am »

I haven't thought about it in a while...

Right now I'm focusing on IA, figuring out a bunch of legal/business stuff and trying to build a new team.

I think if I can get some kind of stability going there, eventually find an artist who is on a similar wavelength and a business partner, then I would feel more comfortable doing something like releasing a soundtrack. :)

I can respect that.  I just hope someday you do get that opportunity.  I'm very intrigued as to those bonus tracks that have been mentioned numerous times.  ;)

The music in Aquaria is probably the best I've ever heard in a game (especially lost to the waves!)

General / Re: Aquaria fanart [spoilers]
« on: May 31, 2009, 09:01:51 am »
The look on Naija's face is totally EVIL!
REEEALLLY good  job on getting energy form looking so darn insideous. :D She looks crazy launching fireballs everywhere (just like in the game  ;D)

Umm, is it the first boss fight after getting energy form?

Seems to be that boss.  Looks to be a capture of the moment when Naija activates the energy wall, frying him.  Looks great.  It does really show her malevolent enjoyment of the fighting. 

General / Re: Aquaria 2?
« on: May 30, 2009, 08:16:30 am »
Ugh, that sucks a lot, Alec! o_o I come to check the forum to see if the Soundtrack is out yet and I see this. You have my support - it must be tough.

I'd even love to help you out myself, but I'm not sure you're looking for any now. It would be a shame to let your talents rot somewhere because it didn't work out with your previous teams.

I was also wondering about the soundtrack.  Is that on hold due to the current "situation"?

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