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Messages - Sfiera

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Games / Re: Tips for starting an indie development team?
« on: April 15, 2008, 09:05:22 pm »

Off-Topic / Re: It's a tarp!
« on: March 13, 2008, 06:51:32 am »
Honestly, would you have been any less likely to click the link if had been to "http://www.nevergonnagiveyouup.com/"? (note that, rather than immediately playing the song, this site instead redirects you to Amazon.com where you can buy it with your own hard earned money. Classy.)

Off-Topic / Re: It's a tarp!
« on: March 12, 2008, 10:29:48 pm »
I found the javascript a bit bothersome, although I enjoyed the video.

Off-Topic / Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« on: February 12, 2008, 03:56:28 am »
I think we would be setting an even more impressive historical precedent if all three candidates had come out :)

Off-Topic / Re: Clinton, Obama, or McCain?
« on: February 12, 2008, 01:59:27 am »
Actually, according to some CNN/Time Polls, it seems Obama would do better than Hillary against McCain--I can't vouch for the accuracy of the polls, but the reasoning given for them seems reasonable enough. And if you're concerned that his name is too similar to "Osama"... well, that's just silly. Barack Hussein Obama's name is too similar to "Hussein", not to "Osama".

As for me, I support Obama. Honestly, it seems kind of antithetical to post support for Hillary to a video gaming forum ;)

Modding / Re: How to mod an object...
« on: December 25, 2007, 10:42:15 pm »
My understanding according of the entity_updateCurrents lua function is that it can be used to force an arbitrary entity to obey water currents. I haven't used it myself; maybe Burton Radons would know better (he appears to have added the original description).

Games / Re: Making my own video game: Where to start?
« on: December 25, 2007, 04:03:23 pm »
...or by starting to learn a programming language like C++ (the best one, nearly all games are written in it nowadays)...

I would actually recommend against C++ as a first language. It's a tricky one to use right, and the performance gain over using a more friendly scripting language are probably going to be negligible for your first few programming projects. If you learn another one, most of the tricks are going to carry over fine, and you can figure out pointers and templates then.

If you're looking to learn a programming language, I'd suggest Python; the extension PyGame seems to be fairly popular for making simple games. You could also learn some of the tricks by modding Aquaria with lua; I don't know of any specific game libraries designed around lua, but it's often embedded as a scripting language in games.

Don't think I dislike C++; it's my language of choice and I'm currently over 2000 lines into a project written in it. But it was my first language, and I didn't really understand how to use it properly until ~5 years later.

Games / Re: The Official Xbox 360 Topic
« on: December 18, 2007, 09:54:19 pm »
I was pretty annoyed at being unable to skip cutscenes in Gears of War. They did an impressive job at hinting that there was a story, but they never really let on to what it was. They also had a habit of placing cutscenes immediately after checkpoints, rather than immediately before, which is poor practice.

Games / Re: The Official Xbox 360 Topic
« on: December 18, 2007, 05:15:28 pm »
I recently played through Crackdown, which I enjoyed a lot (collecting cars is fun!). Haven't had the chance to play anything newer yet, though (don't blame me--it's my roommate's 360, it just lives in my room).

General / Re: Aquaria hit the P2P
« on: December 16, 2007, 03:05:35 pm »
Oh right. A word of complements for going the honest path.

So complement me. Please.

Good for you! :)

General / Re: Aquaria hit the P2P
« on: December 16, 2007, 04:47:47 am »
In general, "phoning home" without the user's knowledge is something that's very strongly frowned on. Also--even if you had the IP address of the pirates, how would you figure out who to sue? Presumably you could transmit more information, but then you're talking about transmitting users' (even legitimate users') private information without their knowledge.

Modding / Re: Aquaria Wiki
« on: December 14, 2007, 07:14:54 am »
Whew, and a Aquarian skin. It's not quite ready to be put in as the default, but it's looking nice (and familiar? :))

Modding / Re: Aquaria Wiki
« on: December 14, 2007, 03:17:35 am »
A (mostly) copy of the Bit Blot guide is now on the wiki. The exception is the page on Lua, which I'm not sure how to deal with duplication of information.

Modding / Re: Aquaria Wiki
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:42:45 pm »
Also, anonymous editing disabled, and source highlighting support added. For lua code, that means

<source lang="lua">
if works(this)
    puts "Sweet!"

(I don't recall if that's correct lua code, I'm a bit rusty and have also never actually written anything in it :))

Modding / Re: Aquaria Wiki
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:27:07 pm »
Alec: should be minimal trouble. I think you would need a database dump (easy enough) and some tweaking to LocalSettings.php to reflect the new url, but that's it.

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