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Messages - idemockle

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Naija gets stuck while swimming
« on: July 19, 2010, 10:34:27 pm »
Never mind, I started running it in compatibility mode for Windows XP and I think it fixed the problem.  I'll come back if it didn't.  As a side note, Windows 7 and Vista seem to not put the save files in the right place so I'm running it as an administrator from now on.

Gameplay / Re: Naija gets stuck while swimming
« on: July 19, 2010, 10:19:42 pm »
Thanks for the reply, but I am sure it isn't my keyboard. It's brand new and anyway I know what I'm doing registers because when it happens Naija changes direction using WASD, she just won't swim for some reason. But yes it would be very strange if it only happens to me.  I got the game through the Humble Bundle so I'm wondering if that version has a problem. I really don't know what could cause this unless it's the game.

Gameplay / Naija gets stuck while swimming
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:45:53 am »
Hi Everyone:

I've played through about 5 hours in Aquaria and there's one thing (glitch?) that keeps bugging me.  Sometimes, when I stop swimming for a few seconds Naija will be stuck in the same spot until I power kick away.  This is especially annoying in tight areas where some of the walls are thorns or something similar.  It happens pretty often and is the source of some frustration.

Has anyone else run into this?  And if so is there  a fix?


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