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Messages - awb77

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Full Walkthrough
« on: May 21, 2009, 08:05:46 am »
dude, the boss names that you put in the walkthrough are awesome :D Like "King Jellyfish God Prime." i think that is perhaps the best part of the whole guide. Oh, and also I like their move descriptions... like this:
Boss:           Octopus Prime
Location:       Octopus Cave (The Veil)
Attacks:        Overcompensation - The Octopus vomits 3 huge homing energy
                blasts, however they do not corner well, and if you sit in the
                area above the Octopus they will all miss you.
                Abomination - The Octopus will spawn a regular squid. Surely
                that shouldn't happen!
                Excess Ink - The Octopus will shoot ink, darkening the entire

Thanks for putting it together, must've been a lot of work. I was at the part "where everybody gets stuck. Good luck."  :P

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