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Messages - Kailieann

Pages: [1] 2 3
Games / Capsized
« on: April 29, 2011, 12:05:36 am »
Just saw this and thought I'd share. Apparently it comes out tomorrow.

Reminds me of Aquaria, based on the trailer, so chances are it'll be pretty good.

Support / Re: Widescreen support PLEASE
« on: June 02, 2009, 07:03:04 pm »
I don't think it was really necessary to bump a thread that was almost a year and a half old, without adding anything useful to the discussion.

Especially seeing as the latest version of the game does have widescreen support.

Support / Re: Newest update?
« on: May 25, 2009, 03:33:41 pm »
(Steam version is still only up to 1.1.2)

Gameplay / Re: stronge crab
« on: May 21, 2009, 06:39:21 pm »
Based on his 'frozen veil' statement, I assume he's talking about the Mantis Shrimp, actually.

Gameplay / Re: ¿Question?
« on: May 19, 2009, 10:23:48 am »
Yes. Sun, not song.

Games / Re: Mirror's Edge
« on: May 13, 2009, 06:52:40 pm »
Yes, it can be a bit of a monster, sometimes.

Turning off PhysX is a must, and at my resolution the graphics are still quite stunning at their lowest setting.

Games / Re: Mirror's Edge
« on: May 13, 2009, 07:19:52 am »
I got it not to long ago, and finished it last week.

My eyes are still sore from the violently excessive bloom, but otherwise it was a blast.

Oh, and there is a PC version. It's only $20 on Steam.
Trailer for anyone who wants to see it.

Support / Re: What should I do with the key?
« on: May 06, 2009, 12:02:07 am »
That's not actually what DRM means. Some aggressive forms of DRM do include install limits, but most companies are starting to lift that particular imposition (but not the DRM itself).

I assume you've already tried the old Steam standby of verifying the game files' integrity?

I've not had any problems with the Steam version of Aquaria on either of the two computers I've tried it on.

General / Re: What about the six form of the final boss?
« on: May 02, 2009, 11:34:38 pm »
There are lots of things in the data files that didn't make it into the final game.

General / Re: Just wanted to say....
« on: May 01, 2009, 06:20:26 am »
"All you get from killing monkeys is a deep sense of shame."
-Alec Holowka

Now that's just a lie. You also get an achievement, if you're playing the Steam version.

But only if you knock them in with a briar.

Gameplay / Re: cant' go further Mithalas Cathedral Help
« on: April 29, 2009, 02:18:15 am »
To make Li stop attacking: Sing his song
To deactivate your pet: Go to the pet page of the menu screen and select it

For Mithala, you must lure the mermen into the poison so that they become armored mermen, then use the bind song to drag them into place. Then keep blasting Mithala with the energy form in order to push him back, which will cause him to inhale.

The rest should take care of itself from there.

General / Re: The order in the game's songs
« on: April 29, 2009, 02:11:17 am »
I agree with the order for the first four, as well as the placement for Inevitable.

I'm fairly certain Lucien and Fly Away come after Lost to the Waves, though (unfortunately I can't check, since I keep accidentally saving over my endgame files).
Also, without knowing why Alec chose to have Prelude last, I'm not sure whether they would be placed before it or after.

For narrative purposes, I'd also put vox/eric.ogg between Ending Part 1 and The End.

General / Re: The order in the game's songs
« on: April 28, 2009, 06:08:25 pm »
Thanks for the tracklist!

There are the tracks I have not found in the mus directory: (11 tracks)

01. intro
04. traveller
05. home
12(10?). fatal
12. undiscoveredwaters
18. heartoftheforest
20. mothernature
23. above
25. li
30. lostwaters
41. thereturn

And there are the tracks of the mus directory that you have not listed: (17 tracks, I excluded tracks 'test.ogg' and 'superflyremix.ogg' as they're not in the game)


Weren't there some changes in the songs names? And for instance, hasn't 'worship' been splitted? (There is 5 tracks called worshipX.ogg in the 'mus' dir, corresponding to the 5 shapes of the final boss)

"Prelude" is the last track??

Intro is probably naija_intro-music from the vox folder
Traveller is openwaters
Home is youth
Undiscovered Waters is openwaters3
Heart of the Forest would be arboreal
Mother Nature is forestgod
Above is probably veil
Li is almost certainly licave
The Return would be theend

Fatal is probably bigboss
Lost Waters I'm guessing is openwaters2

Mithala (track 16) probably includes anger/end/peace

That just leaves inevitable, lucien, and flyaway, which are still conspicuous by their absence.

Lucien and flyaway are at least somewhat understandable. Inevitable.. I don't actually remember it from the game, which makes it hard to place (I'm sure it was in there, I just don't remember when)

Gameplay / Re: Stuck vs everhunger (mith) - please help
« on: April 26, 2009, 04:26:16 am »
Must be an old bug that was fixed, then, since there's definitely no slowdown in 1.1.2

As for Mithala, you can only bind the armored mermen, after they've been changed by poison in the alcove. You'll have to get them to chase you through it.

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