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Messages - MarcMegavoid

Pages: [1]
General / Re: late 1st anniversary suprise
« on: March 15, 2009, 03:49:27 pm »
I agree Alpha, but the thing I really liked about Aquaria was that at first I had no idea what kind of game it would be and what I was suppose to do, I actually had to THINK what to do next, which is extremely rare in games. Most of the time gaming is more about doing than about actually thinking. The video that Alec made also didn't give a part of the story away even he is showing the different transformations.
For that reason I would have never ever tried to draw a part of the coming story.
So instead I chose a symbol that would increase the mysterious tone of the storyline.

But I really would like to know what the cummon setting or the zoom ingame is...
If the thoughts are right we have continued to follow we possibly could end up with an image of Naija that would at least fill about 1/10 - 1/6 of the height of a DVD cover. I neither like it that Naija is barely to see.

General / Re: late 1st anniversary suprise
« on: March 15, 2009, 02:45:24 pm »
Well, at the moment you can barely see Naija in any screenshot...

General / Re: late 1st anniversary suprise
« on: March 15, 2009, 12:29:33 pm »
Brining in Photoshop with a Naija that has only dimensions of not even 200pixels height would be cruel and look so.

But maybe you can tell me what the standard zoom factor is?

General / Re: late 1st anniversary suprise
« on: March 15, 2009, 02:12:28 am »
Hmmm, well the thing is, Naija is pixel art, that means we wouldn't get her bigger than 400pixels high, anyway.
So there isn't much that can be optimized...

General / Re: late 1st anniversary suprise
« on: March 15, 2009, 01:13:43 am »
Yeah hmm, that would at least allow me to widen the view.
To increase the resolution wouldn't bring me much cuz my TFT is only able to display 1280x1024.
Since the zoom-in, I think, is part of the mipmap functionality, I would guess the original resolution of the drawn doesn't exceeds the 1400x1050.
So I guess I would end up with a Naija image that's about 8% bigger. Doesn't make the difference.

The only thing that would help me is, to get to know how the mipmap in-game is suppose to do the scaling and if, as you said, it is now possible to set the screen resolution for the game - then I would need another TFT  8)

But the Naija character wouldn't get bigger than the 8% I mentioned.
Take a look at the screenshots I made, especially the one in the upper right corner, Naija would grow ~8%, still not much of mentionable difference...

General / Re: late 1st anniversary suprise
« on: March 15, 2009, 12:33:16 am »
Yeah, I saw it....see my last comment!....

General / Re: late 1st anniversary suprise
« on: March 15, 2009, 12:13:07 am »
Well, digital painting really isn't my domain...but it's not possible to bring ingame images up to a decent quality to cover a whole DVD case front!

General / late 1st anniversary suprise
« on: March 14, 2009, 03:59:15 pm »
Here it is the very first Amary Case Cover Inlay.
I hope nobody will have to use the phrase, "It's better than it looks like!", too often.

So far I'm thinking it serves it's purpose very well.
If you always wanted to give away "Aquaria" as a birthday suprise, but have hesitated because of the lack of a decent packing, you now could do it^^

Derek and Alec you two really did something very touching, in sound and paint with Aquaria. I can't remember a game that was more thrilling. And I hope, Alec, your next project, will reach the same level of pathetic story telling. As well as you will find a nice way how the puppet will get a dynamicly way of motion, as Naija, when she travel throughout the waters.
I would recommend in case, you want to have the Inlay look like "on screen", go to your next copyshop that has an inkjet printer with at least 6 colors.
If anyone is uprised that the text is actually german, I tried to get a decent translation, in two language forums, but there were no replies...
In the case you can translate just that text in a sophisticated way, what I can't, hand me the translation and I will make the english Inlay Cover available.

full resolution Download here:

Cut it at the crop mark!

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