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Messages - rabbitmoon

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Support / Quick Bug Report
« on: March 01, 2009, 11:41:21 pm »
Bug Report.

1. Stuck.
It is possible to get irreparably stuck at the top of the Sun Temple by switching to fish for right over the edge of the tube that goes to the water bubbles. You fall in all the way and there is no way of getting out. The tube should be sealed at the top or very near the top not just at the bottom. Image to follow.

2. Medusa there-not there
I defeated the Medusa Boss and got the Steam achievement but lost too much life in the process, so I didn't save. I quit the game and started again with a previous save and the Medusa Boss wasn't there anymore.

Places where I got lost unnecessarily. (One small spoiler).

3. Energy Temple Boss.
Because there is no feedback that the door attack is working it's hard to figure out that one needs a third attack to win. This shouldn't be confusing, especially this early in the game. A glowing enemy or some sort of particle release when hit would go a long way to making it obvious what to do.

4. Simon Activation.

Again because of lack of immediate feedback when clicking on Simon it wasn't obvious that that was how you activated him. So I spent hours just swimming around him trying to trigger him.

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