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Messages - ZedDB

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Supported Platforms
« on: July 20, 2007, 11:23:04 am »
Yeah, I can alt-tab... but not while the game is running. Not sure if its the game's fault or if that's just how Linux works.

Mainly want a way to get out of the game window without quitting.
Hmm. After some testing on my end it seems like i cant Alt+Tab from any of the native linux games running in fullscreen that i tried. But it works with almost any "WINE game" (In some chases it didn't work there either).

I'm not that good at linux so i can't say if it's a problem at my end or if it's that way.
But as i stated before I can Alt+Tab when they are in windowed mode. So at work around would be to push the fullscreen/windowed hotkey and the Alt+Tab and when your done just Alt+tab back and push the fullscreen/windowed hotkey again (If you want to run the game in fullscreen that is...)
If you still can't switch when it's running in windowed mode I don't know what the cause would be...
But you should be able to make it at least tabable in windowed. I don't know how tho...

General / Re: Supported Platforms
« on: July 19, 2007, 01:40:55 pm »

  • Is there an "Alt-Tab" equivalent?
For me it's the same as in Windows. I can switch between windows with Alt+Tab if it's that you mean. (I'm using Gentoo Linux and Gnome)
You can also switch between workspaces with Ctrl+Alt+"Arrow keys" (Some fullsceen apps don't allow me to Alt+Tab)
  • What is the expected key combination to switch fullscreen/windowed?
From the games i have played it's usually one of the F1-F12 keys.  (If i remember correctly some use Alt+F or Alt+Enter)
  • Quick quit key combo?
Maybe an F1-F12 key again. Or as i prefer it: Esc then q. (Esc for main menu)

Thank you for putting so much effort in the port!  ;)
Hope you solve the problems with the Windows + Mac ports too!


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