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Messages - adam_0

Pages: [1]
Modding / Re: New to modding, working on warping between levels
« on: February 02, 2009, 05:42:41 pm »
After reading it a bunch, I understood it as this:

You have 1 warp node for each side, with the params for one warp containing the other map's name and the side of the map that the current node is on.

This works for me. Thanks for the help!


Modding / New to modding, working on warping between levels
« on: February 02, 2009, 04:35:52 am »

I LOVED playing Aquaria, and although I'm busy with a million other things, I would like to know how to mod for Aquaria. I've learned many of the basics, but one thing that has evaded me is this: how do you warp from one level to another? I understand that it has something to do with the command:
warp levelname <?>

I don't know if I'm interpreting this correctly or if I'm totally off, but I think it's a wee bit important to know how to use multiple levels.

Also, for any of you wondering: I am the adam_0 from the Ambrosia SW forums - I thought I'd come here to ask my questions and just say 'hi'.


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