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Messages - Wedge

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: February 05, 2009, 11:47:40 pm »
Fresh installer works great =D

Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: February 05, 2009, 09:46:07 am »
It's the same e-mail this account was registered from. 

The hard drive I copied the installer from was going sort of screwy, so it could have been messed up.  The error message the installer gives me actually says to get a new copy of the installer anyways, since it fails the integrity check or something.

Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: February 05, 2009, 03:11:31 am »
Hmmm, well I've tried e-mailing the address in the receipts and Alec and haven't had any luck getting a new installer.  Guess I'll just wait til the new version is out.

Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: January 28, 2009, 12:54:49 am »
Oh yeah, I know the exposure you get over Steam is totally worth it.  And I don't actually have a working copy of the game right now, my old installer does not work on this system, though I'm not sure why.   So that's why I was wondering how the 1.1.2 release will be distributed.  I e-mailed the Plimus thing about a new link, but I don't think I did it right, so I'm not sure if I should try that again or just be waiting for the next release?

Support / Re: How to Download the Latest Version: 1.1.1
« on: January 27, 2009, 11:36:49 pm »
I doubt you could port copies bought from here over to Steam, as I'm going to assume Valve takes a larger cut of the games bought over that (which is why I always by direct from the developer when I can; see also, World of Goo).

 I can see there are lots of issues going on with getting new links, but seeing as my new computer has ATI cards, should I just be waiting for the new version?  I guess everyone who bought it will just get a new link when that happens?  And is there some kind of weird DRM that is the reason why the installer I copied off my old drive doesn't work too (could be a ton of other things too though I spose').

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