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Messages - Jordo

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Hardest Boss? (Spoilers)
« on: January 26, 2009, 11:32:34 pm »
Mathilas was pritty easy!

i had alot pain with the boss of The Sunken City!! ough that hurt!

lucky i wear Jelly suit,, but to manage that was also a pain in the ass!.. just stay in beast form and get rid of all the jelly's .. use Li in combat to shoot at the big jelly! it worked!.. when you have time press "2" to go in energy form and help li a couple shots :)

Gameplay / Re: ****form
« on: January 26, 2009, 11:29:21 pm »
i have bein using fishform alot after finding the shourt cut buttons shutch as 4 for fishform and 0 for lifting spel :D

yea true :)
i do that also alot!! =]

General / Re: stuck in Sunken City
« on: January 25, 2009, 08:54:23 pm »
i tried to sing the mother's song and it works.. i mean, i get a sign like a 7 or something .. but as i sing it close to the wall/door still nothing happends! :P
Have you guided the boy ghost to the door? Because if he isn't with you then you can sing until kingdom comes and it won't open ;D Return to the boy, listen to the hints or recall them and find a way to bring him to the door with you Jordo :)

 how do you guide the boy to the door then?! :P

General / Re: stuck in Sunken City
« on: January 25, 2009, 06:04:52 pm »
i tried to sing the mother's song and it works.. i mean, i get a sign like a 7 or something .. but as i sing it close to the wall/door still nothing happends! :P

General / stuck in Sunken City
« on: January 25, 2009, 03:31:25 pm »
and the end of sunken city is a door.. and on the wall in front of it shows 6 melodys .. i tryed to sing it .. sing it backwards.. every thing else.. nothing helps!..

so my question is.. what to do?!  :P

I wish newcomers would try a forum search before starting a new topic ... welcome to the forums though, Jordo.  :)

thx Chibi :)

He can only be harmed by his own bombs. Dragging them up there with the bind song is near impossible at best, so what you do is knock him down into the bubble.
ill do that :) thx 4 help all! :)

In the Ice Veil/Bubble Caves is a boss.. a crab hangin on the roof and shooting Explosive bubbles ... how to beat this boss?!

plz help  :(

General / how to get Beast Form?
« on: January 21, 2009, 09:20:24 pm »
Help!! i am @ the boss to get Beast form.. but dont know how to beat it!!

plz help me!!...   :(

Pages: [1]