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Messages - El Kameleon

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Location of the last memory?
« on: January 20, 2009, 02:35:35 pm »
You can also get there from where the Rhukks sit with some skill and patience.

Gameplay / Re: Sun Temple Stuck
« on: January 19, 2009, 01:45:46 am »
It should be enough to get you up to the crystal. I can't really think of any other solutions... just make sure you use the bind song on it to move it around, the clue on the wall isn't so clear on that.

Gameplay / Re: Nature form "wall climbing" contest.
« on: January 18, 2009, 09:39:58 pm »
I just looked at the area with the monkey on the crystal in the editor, and there is a large node placed over that area plainly named "tree". I looked in the scripts, and there is no "node_tree.lua", so its an unreferenced node... I wonder what was planned for that way up there.

EDIT: Turns out this "node" is associated with trees that have monkeys hanging on them. I suppose the graphic doesn't necessarily need to be a tree ;D

Support / Toggle map icons?
« on: January 18, 2009, 07:44:58 pm »
I'm not sure if this is the place to post about this, but is there a way to toggle the map icons? sometimes they cover up areas that have small passageways on the map, it can just be a little frustrating sometimes. That is really my only suggestion on this otherwise amazing game, if it's not already an implemented function.

Great work Alec and Derek! I think I spent more time playing this, than I did GTA4!

Gameplay / Re: Nature form "wall climbing" contest.
« on: January 18, 2009, 04:37:21 pm »
Up on the far right of the frozen veil, there is a monkey sitting on a crystal way up there, he doesnt do anything special, but he's there. If I get back up there, i'll post a shot.

Support / Save Issue in sun temple -possible spoilers!-
« on: January 18, 2009, 04:13:59 pm »
I got into the sun temple without first using the crystal to help light your way, and subsequently without raising the water level. I used nature form to spring over to the top of the sun temple from where the rhukks are sitting, and used the same trick to get into the huge water bubble and into the tunnel. It was very hard to navigate cause there was no water, so you have to be good at wall jumping. Anyways, I got to the save crystal that sits directly across from the sunworm boss room. If you save there and die or reload your save, you automatically get teleported to the nearest area with water, which happens to be where them indestructable clockwork crabs come out of that tube. It makes it almost impossible to get back outside to a normal save, but I was able to do it after an hour or so of well placed wall jumps and uber vines. I'm sure this is a pretty isolated case, but if I did it, then i'm sure someone else will eventually.

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