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Messages - Maktaka

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Semi-reproduceable crash and potential game-stopping bug
« on: January 16, 2009, 11:32:39 pm »
Did some more investigating on the crash. It occurs when the mouse cursor is over one of the recipes, causing the description text to appear, but the recipe screen is closed before the text fades in completely.

Also, you can't swim through bound objects. You can wall jump through them if there is solid ground nearby, which is exactly what I did and which seems like a glitch, but you cannot simply swim through them. Try it, they are still quite solid.

Another bug: Launching Aquaria.exe alternates back and forth between displaying the Configuration screen first and going straight into the game. Shouldn't the configuration screen only display when you launch the AQConfig.exe file?

Support / Semi-reproduceable crash and potential game-stopping bug
« on: January 15, 2009, 02:55:25 am »
Crash first:
When rapidly opening and closing the Recipes screen using the keyboard shortcut, the game can crash to desktop. I cannot reproduce this crash reliably, but it has occurred twice, which is enough of a pattern to be worth noting. This crash did not occur in the pre-1.1.1 versions of Aquaria, so I suspect it has something to do with the new description text on the Recipes screen.

Bug (spoilerish description):
Retrieving the Krotite armor requires moving a large rock, which can only be pulled OUT from the tunnel, not INTO the tunnel. Upon returning from the small offshoot into the Krotite tunnels, this rock and returned to its default position, blocking the path back to the main Home Waters area. Because the tunnel is narrower on the inside than the outside, the rock cannot be moved. I finally got through by walljumping onto the rock, then jumping into and through the rock (i.e. I exploited a glitch).

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