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Messages - thomasareed

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Stuck on final boss! (spoilers)
« on: January 11, 2009, 01:18:56 pm »
Okay, I've finally made it to the final boss, and I'm stuck.  I've read the boss strategy guide on these forums, which just says about his fourth form "Copy his notes.  If you do it enough times, he'll fall."  (Or something similarly short.)  I have tried copying his notes, but no matter how fast I do it or how slow, nothing seems to happen.  The stupid balls still appear and clobber me, no matter what.  I did figure out that each one has a note in it, and singing that note long enough makes the ball go away.  But how am I supposed to sit still singing to one ball when two others are coming after me?  There just isn't enough maneuvering room in that chamber.  Anybody got any hints?  It's rather frustrating to get all the way to the fourth boss form after half an hour of play and then be killed by something like this!

Gameplay / Re: Extremely frustrated!
« on: January 10, 2009, 01:47:29 am »
Yup, I've tried that stuff already.  I just can't seem to get it right.  Last time I tried, I used something like 4 arcane poultices, several energy powerups, a sharkfin soup, some speed powerups, a regen, a defense, ate a whole bunch of jellies and still died before I could kill the darn thing.  AND I had a pet and Li to help me out.  It ceases to be fun when the only option is to just keep trying and hope to get lucky.

ok try this; spoilerFirst get aquainted with the shortcut keys for beast, energy form and the cooking pots, that is in order 3 for beast, 2 for energy and Esc for the cooking pots, and I mean really get aquainted with them so you can swop between them without thinking almost.
Then use beast to eat the pink jellies as often as possible, feed her one of the powerup foods for energy forms weapon and then spam the gap below the centre core of jelly prime. Keep swopping these forms as the pink jellies appear and beast eats them, and remember that you need to get as many shots through that gap as possible to kill him.

Gameplay / Extremely frustrated!
« on: January 09, 2009, 11:14:28 pm »
This is a very cool, original game, and has been a lot of fun.  The problem is that some of the bosses are just too hard.  I've repeatedly fought some of them and finally won, but after hours of trying I'm still unable to beat the jellyfish boss in the Abyss and the "Simon says" boss in the Kelp Forest.  I have every form (unless there's a #8 form, which is the only number key I haven't found a use for), and I've used up loads of foods in the jellyfish battle, but still can't win, even after looking up spoilers on how to beat it.  And Simon is something that I *know* I won't be able to beat without spending hours and just getting lucky.  Smashing your head against a wall repeatedly, hoping to get lucky enough to come away conscious, isn't my idea of fun.  This is why games need to either have adjustable difficulty or cheats!

Does anyone have any idea how I can beat these things?  I'm even willing to do some editing of map files or something at this point, but I can't decipher the numbers in the maps.

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