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Messages - Capt_Mhead

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Stuck in Mithalas City
« on: January 08, 2009, 02:04:26 am »
Try a forum search next time - but for now, what do people do in thrones?  ;) Hope that helps - good luck on the rest of the game!  :)

BTW, a lot of people have missed it - I believe Alec was considering adding a hint there (possibly a statue sitting in one of the thrones).
Perfect, thanks man! 

I didn't even notice those were thrones at first... even though I've been referring to that room as the throne room, haha.  Anyway, I think that puzzle would make much more sense if there was someone sitting in the other two thrones... or an engraving of somebody on the middle throne.  Or perhaps statues to place in the other two thrones.  I don't know... just some thoughts.

I'm really enjoying the game so far, though.  Fantastic music and beautiful seascapes.  I love a good 2D adventure game.  :)

General / Stuck in Mithalas City
« on: January 07, 2009, 11:29:50 pm »
So, I'm stuck in Mithalas City (I think).... I collected that round disc and brought it to the room with the stone portrait of the Mithilas King where it was automatically set into the statue.  However, nothing happened after that (I would have thought the door to the right would have opened).  Here's an image capture of the area I'm talking about:

Perhaps I'm missing something else... but I've been wandering around all over the place for the last hour and have accomplished nothing story-wise. 

Some help would be greatly appreciated. :)

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