General / Re: So whens the sequel? :p
« on: February 14, 2009, 10:03:31 am »
Some people here are treating the game really unfair, in my oppinion! How can you say the story is anything else than perfect, if someone put so much heart into it? Sure, there are some mysterys, that remain unexplained, but everything that's still open, is open in a good way, so people can fill out the holes with their own imagination. Also I don't with Li's characterisation, it wouldn't make much sense to tell his whole lifestory, because then he would have overshadowed Naija, since we don't know that much about her past, and it would be weird to know more about a partner-character than the main person, right? So it was pretty clever, storytelling-wise, to leave Li as he is. There's not really only one thing that needs to be improved about this game, everything felt right as it is. Audio and Visuals are breathtaking, the Story is really heartwarming and deep, but still doesn't force you to swallow too many impressions at once. Now about the voice acting: It's one of the best I've ever heard! Jenna's voice matches perfectly for Naija's personality, and there wasn't a single flaw in it. All of the emotions sounded really true. Another thing some people didn't seem to like, is how quick the relationship between Li and Naija developed, but just think of it from Naija's view: If you were alone for many years, and never met any other sentient being, would YOU waste time once you finally meet someone, you can spent your life with? Probably not, right? All in all we should really appreciate this piece of art , that Alec and Derek developed. After all those dissapointments from bigger game companys(mostly all games losing their charme and heart, and are merely devices for quick money) I lost all my hopes in the industry. But seeing that there's still someone outside there, making games with their personal feelings inside it, it gave me back my confidence in this still young media. And I'm really thankful to you for that^^