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Messages - Ginhyun

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General / One thing I would've loved to see...a "boss rush" mode.
« on: January 11, 2009, 05:28:21 pm »
All songs, a few foods, and the bosses presented in semi-random order for you to fight your way through. And if you make it through, the game would record your time to give you something to beat! Alternatively, it could score you based on both time and how much health and food you have left at the end.

If this already exists as a mod, I'd love to see it. I haven't really messed with the editor yet, so I don't know how easy it would be to make something like this. If worse comes to worse and I can't handle doing this I may just take the lazy way out and get a bunch of save files before bosses so I can pretend I'm playing boss rush.  :P

Anyway, it's just an idea that popped into my head when I realized I wanted to replay some of the bosses but had no means other than to start a new game.

Perhaps you could keep it in mind for Aquaria 2 if it ever comes out.  :)

General / Re: I finished Aquaria.
« on: January 11, 2009, 04:36:05 pm »
Man, that's weird. I just got done playing through Okami a few weeks ago. Fortunately I didn't play Aquaria until after I had finished Okami; otherwise I might have stopped playing it just like you.

I think the thing that's impressed me most about Aquaria is reading some of the earlier things written about it and seeing that any issues people had with it basically don't exist anymore. Alec didn't need to do that-- I'm sure the game was good even without the tweaking and improvements here and there.  But the extra bit of polish he added is something I certainly appreciate.

You're correct in that you only have to visit the area and not get 100% (because that would be a bit ridiculous for stuff like The Veil). I got it after visiting the developer fish room (I had already gotten the full ending as well, but I don't know if it counts that since you can't save after doing this).

If you don't have everything, I suggest getting whatever you're missing, such as treasures or the third cooking slot from the simon says boss.

However, you said you'd checked the treasure hunter map, which means you may very well have everything. If that's the case, it may be an achievement bug that needs to be worked out.

Gameplay / Re: Steam achievement bugs
« on: January 05, 2009, 04:22:55 pm »
Actually, I've already beaten the game. Just need to get the rest of the achievements and all the treasures (I'm kind of wondering what area I could have possibly missed to not have Explorer yet, though [EDIT: Turns out it was the area with the developer fish]). Of course, I'll probably end up replaying he game soon since it's so good.

Anyway, I found the Sun Key, so assuming there's only two treasures in the temple, I found them both. And I also found the memory when I went through the temple the first time, so there's no chance of that being it. The sparkles still remain, though.

Just out of curiosity, is there a screenshot button or do screenshots have to be done via print screen and pasting? There's a screenshot folder, so I figured print screen would automatically dump screenshots there, but I had no such luck.

Gameplay / Re: Steam achievement bugs
« on: January 05, 2009, 03:16:19 pm »
Ah, I was wrong about the sparkles disappearing. They're still there. I think I only got one of the Sun Temple treasures (the gear), so if the sparkles also function as a treasure detector thing, I'll feel quite silly.

I'll try looking around for the other treasure and seeing if they go away.

Gameplay / Re: Steam achievement bugs
« on: January 05, 2009, 02:49:17 pm »
Answering your third point: you haven't explored enough of the second Veil area - go back and check your map for straight lines and tunnels (those usually lead to a temple, and places of worship are places to be in Aquaria (Energy Temple, Mithalas Cathedral, etc.). Just go back and swim into all the nooks and crannies in the map (esp. to the northwest).

Sorry, I probably should have clarified a bit. It wasn't directing me toward The Sun Temple, as I'd already beaten that. I was only missing Spirit Form at this point, if I remember correctly.

SPOILERS (just in case)

From where the sparkles were, it seemed to be directing me to Li again. Except he wasn't there because I'd already gotten him and then lost him in The Sunken City.


Gameplay / Steam achievement bugs
« on: January 05, 2009, 09:44:43 am »
Hi! First post on these forums. I'd first like to say that I love Aquaria. It's certainly the best indie game I've ever played and one of the better games I've played recently.

Anyway, I've noticed some bugs with the achievements that I figured I'd post here so that they can get ironed out.

- Defeating the Rock Crab actually gets you two achievements: Rock Crab Rocked and Boom Shrimp. I think this happens regardless of whether or not you have defeated the Mantis Shrimp

-Occasionally you'll get an achievement you've already earned for no apparent reason. This sometimes happens upon exiting the game. I got Combo Eater three times or so.

-Not related to achievements, but there was a bug with the hint system for the map. After a certain late-game event before entering The Body, I went past the sunken submarine thing in The Veil, and it hinted that I should go to The Veil (only one screen over) with blue sparkles. But there was nothing for me to do there, and the sparkles later disappeared.

I could've sworn there was one more achievement bug, but I can't think of it at the moment.

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