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Messages - Citrus

Pages: [1]
Games / Re: Making my own video game: Where to start?
« on: December 24, 2007, 03:04:00 pm »
I used to play around with the Clickteam tools. Great fun, even though I made but one complete game in about... 7 years. You can literally get things moving on the screen in seconds. And you can get a basic playable game running in minutes. Takes some learning, as with everything. There is no programming as in written code, instead you use a strange GUI-based logical system of events and actions. It is pretty intuitive, the commands you lay down read in generally jargon-free natural language. Has a nice picture editor too, great for pixel art. Actually I don't know what the new one is like... I'd recommend it to any non-programmer, just remember it's Windows only. I'm not sure what the demo is like, could give that a try.

If you know a bit of C/C++ and want a nice graphics/input/sound/etc lib, I (with all the authority of one who's been fiddling with it for a few hours...) recommend using Simple DirectMedia Layer. I'm using/learning it right now. It's pretty easy to get stuff up and on the screen. It's cross-platform too, and somehow works with a bunch of other languages like Java (and Haskell lol?). And it's free. There are some excellent tutorials online, like this one that tells beginners step-by-step what to do to. Certainly helped me.

And pixel art is super cool, everyone should do it.  MSpaint is good enough. GraphicsGale is a better power tool, specifically geared toward pixelage. Right-click for colour grab is love.

Gameplay / Re: can't get the piranha pet
« on: December 21, 2007, 02:27:38 am »
You need a new form to get past fast currents. You'll find it in the Mithalas area (after much fighting of epic beasts), go East.

Support / Re: Spoilers in avatars/sigs
« on: December 15, 2007, 03:04:47 am »
Oh wow. Glad I got past the point where that could have been a spoiler for me. I've been trying to avoid spoilers and complete the game quickly. But I don't really want to rush...

Gameplay / Re: Second boss... (spoilers)
« on: December 12, 2007, 03:31:49 am »
I've just been shooting at his head until I die. Oops.

Games / Re: Grim Grimoire
« on: December 10, 2007, 03:12:07 pm »
Is this the game where the kids are constantly shooting themselves in the head? I saw the review on XPlay...I laughed. Could be an okay game though.
Nope, that's Persona 3.
I've missed out on these and lots of other (supposedly) great later PS2 games because my console stopped working :(

Off-Topic / Re: Anime!
« on: December 09, 2007, 11:17:38 pm »
Currently watching the ongoing series Kaiji. It's about a g*mbling loser. It's full of suspense and drama, though a bit stretched out. Also, naked men.

( Seems this forum filters out that word  ??? )

Support / Re: Problem
« on: December 08, 2007, 05:39:09 am »
Arg I downloaded a load of ATI crap that didn't properly install, and I'm not sure if it's safe to uninstall.

But the patch!


Thank you Alec!

But now it's 4:34... to play or to sleep.

Just watched the intro. I'll just play... a little bit... maybe. Yes.

Support / Re: Problem
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:43:52 am »
My debug.log also ends with "Init Graphics Library..."

In your posts I see a glimmer of cause for of hope - if it can begin working then get broken, perhaps the reverse is possible!

I'm using Windows XP Home edition service pack 2. I've tried a few different resolutions and window combinations.
I'll see if I can get any new drivers for my rubbish built-in ATI laptop graphics cog.

Support / Re: Problem
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:21:19 am »
I'm on a widescreen monitor, given it only supports 4:3, is that the issue. I'm, quite frankly, not the most PC literate person in the world, to say the least.
Same here. 16:10 Laptop screen. I don't think that's the issue though. I tried switching to 800*600 resolution, no joy.

The aqconfig works.

Support / Re: Problem
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:09:41 am »
I get the same error. Except mine's saying 0x0120BB51 and 0x4D93AC10. Or 0x4DBAC10, it changes. I haven't tried reinstalling. But I uh... restarted my laptop. I hope it's something that can be fixed with a little fiddling of the config file or something :s

General / Re: Music of the Ocean. Post our Fav game music. (^_^)
« on: February 10, 2007, 01:38:02 pm »
I listened to the music clip posted on the blog and thought it was great. I have no suggestions or anything.

But here's some music I like, anyway.

Mayhem in Monsterland, the happy intro screen music.
(play Rowlands_Steve/Mayhem_In_Monsterland.sid with this and choose song 4)
The Jet Set Radio and Katamari soundtracks are lovely.
And I loved the music in Rayman 1 and 2.

Games / Re: Our Favorite Downloadable Games
« on: February 05, 2007, 12:20:52 pm »
Someone had to post it:
Cave Story

The game is definitely awesome. The graphics and music seem old-fashioned, but they are brilliant in a way only gamers can appreciate. The world is brilliantly crafted 2D level design, challenging and full of lovely detail and secrets. From the floaty-light feeling of the controls, to the ever-stronger arsenal of weapons, Pixel takes old game conventions and merges them into a pretty unique experience. I've played through countless times, and not just to get to the secret ending. The story is actually worth paying attention to. Memorable characters are expressed through just a handful of pixels and a load of superbly-translated text. And theme music. Balrog is awesome. And it gives me that funny feeling in my tummy.

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: February 05, 2007, 12:08:26 pm »
My name's Jason and I'm a 19-year-old computer science student. I like pixels, folding paper, and philosophy. I discovered Blackeye Software back when I was watching the Click scene. Snowbrawl was the first BES title I played. I used to try to make games... I shall start again when I have enough C++ skillz.

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