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Messages - Cryzbl

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay / Re: Nature form "wall climbing" contest.
« on: January 08, 2009, 12:32:31 am »
Here's my strategy:

Plant a briar as high as possible then change to beast form and drink some speed increasing soup. Jump to the briar (should be easy now) and change back to nature while jumping. You skipped a large part of the beginning of the wall, in turtle cave you can easily get to the highest blob of water and skip a whole lot.
When the briar you're on is pointing down:
Take small steps, aim at the wall (almost right above the previous briar) and shoot, move your mouse up a little bit (the steeper the wall is the lower you should aim) and jump. Shoot and jump basically.
When the briar you're on is pointing up:
Jump first then aim to the lower right corner and shoot, or wait until you land and shoot a 'safety briar' afterwards.
Though I have to admit, the transition between those is the hardest part...

Whenever you find yourself inside the briar, you'll get a huge rather uncontrollable boost. I hate those... However this glitch happens way more if the wall is right of naija.

Gameplay / Re: Nature form "wall climbing" contest.
« on: January 08, 2009, 12:05:09 am »
Very good entries Cryzbl - I think we'll be hard pressed to do better.  ;) BTW, what on earth is in the top left of the second veil area? It's a thin blue object with pink spines or fronds coming out the top.  :o  :)
I have absolutely no idea, it's the first time that thing showed up...

Also that one was surprisingly easy, my first try after coming up with the idea of a contest :P

That is just too awesome! :)
I must admit that I've found some neat shortcuts to recover quickly if I fell off. ;)

Gameplay / Nature form "wall climbing" contest.
« on: January 07, 2009, 11:17:43 pm »
Since this is by far the hardest (non-glitch) move in the game, I'd thought it would be nice to have a contest about it.

No briar rockets. (although proving this is going to be a matter of trust :P)
You can briar boost if you want, it won't get you there anyway.
Must take screenshot of map and game.
It's ok to edit the picture to aesthetically enhance it.

The prize is a deep sense of personal satisfaction and achievement. ;)

Here are my entries

The veil (2nd area)

Didn't feel like doing the right one, I get way more glitches right then left :(

Ice veil


Turtle cave


General / Re: I'm horribly stuck
« on: January 07, 2009, 03:16:20 pm »
Here's another hint:

What do cogs/gears (whatever you want to call them) and whirlpools have in common?

General / Re: Changing forms instant?
« on: January 07, 2009, 01:16:10 am »
You can't 'remove' anything only modify already existing variables, however you very much can fuck things over. Lemme see what happens if I change it to a negative value...

General / Re: Changing forms instant?
« on: January 07, 2009, 12:55:26 am »
I don't know, but the esc glitch most likely means you consumed an item before the game actually decreases the amount of that item.

I simply used a program called 'cheat engine' which allows you to scan a program for values and then modify them. That program can literally do anything you desire, I love it :P

Say I have 4 rukh eggs, I make cheat engine search for all occurrences of 4 then I toss away one rukh egg. Now I'm looking for all those values who's value was 4 first and then changed to 3. Repeat. After you've narrowed down which values hold the amount you simply change them to whatever you want.

General / Re: Changing forms instant?
« on: January 07, 2009, 12:13:12 am »

Sorry... I'm not a real fan of the 8 amount per item limit. :P

General / Re: Changing forms instant?
« on: January 06, 2009, 08:07:42 pm »
Or simply eat some energy form attack power ups and blast him to hell. Stick to the walls if he tries sucking you in.
I defeated him without knowing the shortcut keys. Took 3 tries though.

Off-Topic / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: January 06, 2009, 07:39:21 pm »
Hi, name's Cryzbl, 19 years old, doing my second year of computer science studies. (sorry, my real name is unique in the whole world, though I only checked in my country...)
I learned about aquaria trough some blog talking about the best indie games for christmas 2008 and I picked 2 games (Aquaria and Gish). Since I'm not really a game fanatic these games are perfect for my tastes.
Currently I'm sort of a Valve fanboy and loving every game they make. Still have to get Left 4 Dead though, but Team Fortress 2 is already way more then enough to satisfy my needs for online gaming.

Also note the awesome avatar. :D

Gameplay / Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« on: January 06, 2009, 05:28:18 pm »

That is a very slick guide - you should use your talents for more of the game. Referring to the OMG SPOILER picture: not one, but TWO! I've got to get there (especially in light of the esc-cheat removal).  :) Thanks Cryzbl!
Thanks, however I just noticed the spelling and grammar errors :/

Anyway, it should be possible to use the same technique to jump up the upper cliff as well, that's about as high as this glitch will get you.

Gameplay / Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« on: January 06, 2009, 01:51:18 am »
That is a relief for you lol :D

Look under for a boulder you might find one once to clear those killer starfish out of the tunnel  >.< lol
Nope, looked there thoroughly.




Gameplay / Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« on: January 05, 2009, 10:22:45 pm »
I would imagine that it was a bit awkward, did you have any problems quiting the game after jumping of the map?
Nope, just quit and continue works perfect.

Also, may I ask where you found the rock in that area? I can't seem to find one >.<

Gameplay / Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« on: January 05, 2009, 10:01:09 pm »

Be careful, don't try to go to the upper left corner of this area... There is no transition to the area on the right :(

EDIT: Now I read his post again, I see he already found out D:
Damn, I was so excited I stopped reading half way trough.

Gameplay / Re: **kh egg and other questions [Spoilers]
« on: January 05, 2009, 08:17:43 pm »

I'm so going to try that right now.

2nd attempt: This works perfect and is quite reliable. Thanks a bunch for sharing!
3rd attempt: This IS practically flying. Forget about 'quite' reliable. This will work. Always.

Gameplay / Re: Form abilities? [Spoilers]
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:40:02 pm »
It does, it opens those flower things that get marked on your map as a seed.

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